Category "crashlytics"

Getting CFNetwork, CoreMotion Crashes after releasing iOS Application

After releasing my ios application, I started to get lots of crash such as CFNetwork, CoreMotion etc. And then I thought, I did something wrong on my project. I

Dalvik crash on Oneplus on Android 12

I've got an app in the play store, and have just started seeing the following crash on crashlytics as we're releasing a new version: Fatal Exception: java.lang.

EXC_BREAKPOINT with very large line number value in crashlytics swift/ios

I am getting a worrying amount of EXC_BREAKPOINT crashes in crashlytics for my iOS swift app. I tried fixing the bug by looking at the method 'populate(user:wi

Kotlin Multiplaform iOS Exceptions showing in Xcode, not in Firebase

We have noticed in our project, we are getting allot of exceptions logged in Xcode (->Organiser->Crashes) logged in production... However these Share cra (

I'm getting this error in Crashlytics (Firebase). The app is built in Flutter and I'm not sure about this error that I don't get locally: Fatal Exception: java.

Crashlytics: What does compiler-generated means?

I'm using Firebase Crashlytics to get crash reports from my iOS app and I get some crashes that I don't understand with a <compiler-generated> error messa

Crashlytics not appear crash in dashboard

I added Firebase Crashlytics in my project and I force created a crash with the below code. The crash was created and logged in logcat but didn't appear in Cras

Firebase Crashlytics: Combine/Merge Similar Issues?

I had Firebase Crashlytics installed in my Android app, and the reporting is operational. However, I found that some issues are very similar: And it'd be helpf

Crash free user statistic variation

I was checking the crashlytics on firebase. I was seeing crash free users as 92.66% but it is not matching the actual crashes and the users. The number of users

iOS Firebase Crashlytics: Out Of Memory (OOM) Reporting

I use Firebase Crashlytics for crash reporting. Recently I got some Out Of Memory (OOM) crashes on my iOS device. So I'm trying to find any reports in Firebase

Could not get GOOGLE_APP_ID in Google Services file from build environment

For setting up firebase i am using two config 1.GoogleService-Info-test.plist, 2.GoogleService-Info-prdn.plist for UAT and Production. For installing crashlytic

Crashlytics in iOS won't proceed past "Build Your Project" in Fabric app

I'm installing Crashlytics for my iOS app. I downloaded it via their site link, and went through all the steps for integrating the frameworks, adding the run sc

Unable to sync Gradle with Firebase Crashlytic 2.6.0 using Android Studio 4.2

Project-level build.gradle buildscript { addRepos(repositories) dependencies { classpath '' // Cra

Integrate Crashlytics in visual studio?

I am new at VisualStudio.I am using xamarin for both iOS and Android application. Now, If i want to integrate Crashlytics in my application then what should i

add Crashlytics in project have Dexguard

I am tired to sync my project whit Crashlytics. in my app using Dexguard and in release app is not synced whit Crashlytics. and add this code in Dexguard file:

Could not resolve

I'm having an issue with building my project. First time build. I'm behind a proxy and all other dependencies downloaded only this having an issue. I tried a f