Category "cron"

Is it possible to attach multiple schedule/cron events with one AWS Lambda function?

Currently my lambda function works successfully with one schedule event attached to it. Relevant excerpt from my template.yaml: Resources: HelloWorldFunction:

Serverless framework - schedule rate "cron" not yet supported

I am using "serverless": "^2.43.1". I am following official docs from: but.. this does not seems to

Laravel Command Schedule Not Working Properly

I'm building a project with Laravel 7.28 on localhost. I need to update a PDF every hour. For the beginning I created a command: <?php namespace App\Console

Laravel Command Schedule Not Working Properly

I'm building a project with Laravel 7.28 on localhost. I need to update a PDF every hour. For the beginning I created a command: <?php namespace App\Console

Issue while sending messages on WhatsApp at specific time everyday using Node.js

I'm writing a program in Node.js which sends a WhatsApp template every day at a specific time. I used node-cron and setInterval. When I deployed the program on

How to pass timezone to cron expression using gocraft?

I am using for creating cron jobs. My server time is in UTC and I want cron job to be executed based on specific timezone, is there any

How schedule crontab job when using pyenv and pipenv

I'm on Ubuntu 20.04, and I am having issues setting up the crontab correctly using pyenv + pipenv together. Simply adding pipenv run python to the cro

How schedule crontab job when using pyenv and pipenv

I'm on Ubuntu 20.04, and I am having issues setting up the crontab correctly using pyenv + pipenv together. Simply adding pipenv run python to the cro

How to prevent a Cronjob execution in Kubernetes if there is already a job running? concurrencyPolicy:Forbid stops the cron job execution altogether

I need a cron job to run every 5 minutes. If an earlier cron job is still running, another cron job should not start. I tried setting concurrency policy to Forb

How to do rescheduling in springboot

I have a spring boot application which contains a scheduler that picks up file from my local.I want the scheduler to be rescheduled to an hour after if my local

How install CronJobs for viefaucet script

I am trying to add at tabels from picture 1 CronJobs for reload every mounth at 1st day. How can i do ? Need only the link(path) not code .

Simulate Time Series Events with Accurate Scheduler

I have an API which I will need to run some tests. We have already done the stress and load testing but the best way to test is to run some real life data. I ha

create celery-scheduler corn expression for every monday and wednesday repeating every 2 weeks

I want to schedule a task which repeats every 2 weeks on Monday and Friday. I want to know how can we create the expression of it through django-celery-beat cro

Create cron job on Google Cloud with custom name

Reading the docs for the Nodejs Scheduler I did not found how to pass a name for the cron job I want to create. Does anyone know if this package supports this?

Not able to use Node.js and Crontab

I know that you can run a Node.js script in Crontab by doing something like: 0 * * * * node /path/to/your/script.js But I want to run a Node.js app, not a s

How to use 0/10 in cron in a yaml file?

I'm trying to use a cron job referenced in a yaml file part as part of my CircleCI CI system: I would like a job to run every 10 mins using the 0/10 * * * * for

Cronjob: Run Python script on server in virtual env

I went through tons of questions and answers in the net. However, I couldnt make my code work. So sorry for raising this question as so many others did. I have

How do I stop Apache Airflow running a task the first time when I unpause it?

I have a DAG. Here is a sample of the parameters. dag = DAG( 'My Dag', default_args=default_args, description='Cron Job : My Dag', schedule_inte

Errors "QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-mizu'" when running phantomjs from contab

When I run phantomJS with crontab, the following errors occur. How can I run it successfully? I am using Ubuntu 17.10. [error] QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR

Hybris business process in running state

The order confirmation email did not get triggered after placing an order. Looking at the business processes for the order, none of them got triggered. Things