Category "css-animations"

How to rotate material-ui icon

I'm trying to rotate material-ui icon using css property animation but not getting the desired result. Can somebody please help me identify what's going wrong h

React Background Image Change Animation

I'm working on a weather app with ReactJS, what i'm trying to do is have a slideshow of images for my background, the images will be full screen, fading from on

CSS FadeIn and FadeOut trigerred by onclick with only css (100% pure) if not possible less resources as possible (no jquery, and no js to animation)

I was trying to make a 100% pure css animation, fadein and fadeout when i click on hamburguer menu to reveal the sidebar, (the backdrop should showing opacity l

CSS Animation Behaving Differently on Safari / All iPhone Browsers

I've been stuck on this problem for 3 days and have scoured the Internet for a solution, but haven't been able to find one that works yet. I have an animation o

Problem with animation-fill-mode on iOS when changing orientation

I've created an animation to move an element into view when the user clicks somewhere. The element is styled to be offscreen. When the animation is run, it move

CSS animations default to slow fade in-out, is there a way to change that?

New to using CSS animations. Created an animation with 8 pictures for a total animation-duration 100sec. Using keyframes percentages I have the first 6 frames 1

CSS Animation to expand div from center outwards

I am trying to make the following expand outwards from the center (almost like curtains opening). It should kind of look like this, but instead of - it's empty

Image is not in center on safari mobile web

I implemented css animation to the image and it works well on explorer or chrome through the pc. Though, on safari, the image is placed in the left top corner.

Create a GIF from an HTML animation

THE PROBLEM I've created an HTML animation using google web designer, then I need to export my project as a GIF. Google web designer doesn't provide any tool to

CSS: Animation vs. Transition

So, I understand how to perform both CSS3 transitions and animations. What is not clear, and I've googled, is when to use which. For example, if I want to make

Looping Animation of text color change using CSS3

I have text that I want to animate. Not on hover, for example but continually changing slowly from white to red and then back to white again. Here is my CSS co

Can I transition the flex-grow of a flex box to produce an animation?

Is it possible to transition the items in an flexbox? When you click I want all items to collapse except the one that is clicked. The one that is clicked should

Disable Ripple effect on MUI Button and add custom

I wanted to remove the ripple effect on the button and implement my custom effect in MUI Button. I have removed ripple using disableRipple. I have tried to appl