Category "css-transforms"

Zoom image in/out on mouse point using wheel with transform origin center. Need help in calculation

CONTEXT : My requirement is to do image transformations like scale, rotate and translate with user actions on an image. Rotation and translation of image is don

JS: How to calculate face value after dice roll animation

I've created a neat little dice roll animation. It is essentially 6 div elements inside a wrapper container that has been styled into a cube via CSS. I've got i

Multiples transformations matrix on SVG, get cursor point

This question is probably more related to math than svg itself. Inside a main svg, got multiples transformed svg, (from different events), by a viewBox attrib

Very blurry scale transform animations in Firefox and connection with hover/tap

The code snippet involves four identical patterns that use animations to adjust the scale. In Firefox they begin extremely blurry and remain like that until you

CSS flip card flicker on Safari and broken scroll

I have a flip card that displays content on the front and back. Front content determines the height of the card. The card back should be the same height as th

Add a transform value to the current transforms that are already on the element?

Let's say I have a div that had translateX and translateY values added dynamically. <div class="object child0" style="-webkit-transform: translateX(87