Category "csv"

Is it possible to read a csv file column by column with League csv?

I wondered if it was possible to read a csv file written like this in symfony using League csv or something else. water_level,2,456,345 wind_speed,2

What's the most robust way to efficiently parse CSV using awk?

The intent of this question is to provide a canonical answer. Given a CSV as might be generated by Excel or other tools with embedded newlines and/or double quo

How to speed up my SUPER SLOW search script

I am building a script to search for $name through a large batch of CSV files. These files can be as big as 67,000 KB. This is my script that I use to search th

Py4JJavaError when trying to write pyspark DataFrame to parquet

I wanted to convert a large .csv vile into .parquet format using pyspark. I am using python 3. I tried changing the codec used for compression, as suggested in

I'm trying to move a cube on the screen according to the data from a csvfile, but it's not working. Can someone help me with this code?

I'm trying to move a cube on the screen according to the data from a csvfile, but it's not working. Can someone help me with this code? using UnityEngine; pub

Convert NetCDF file to CSV or text using Python

I'm trying to convert a netCDF file to either a CSV or text file using Python. I have read this post but I am still missing a step (I'm new to Python). It's a d

Fastest way to read a CSV file java

I´ve been trying to read several csv files (arround 20 MB) using openCSV, but so far it has been slow. Im trying to read 4 csv files which I´m loadi

How to search for a 'text' or 'number' in a csv file with Python AND if exists print only first and second column values to a new csv file

I want to do the following using Python. Step-1: Read a specific third column on a csv file using Python. Step-2: Create a list with values got from step-1 Ste

CsvHelper mapping issue

I have a question related to CsvHelper library and I cannot figure out how to map a csv file to the following MyClass object. the csv file look like: id, Proper

Streamlit Panda Query Function Syntax Error When Finding Column in CSV Dataframe

When Using Streamlit to build a data interface getting a syntax error. My downloaded csv dataframe has a column 'NUMBER OF PERSONS INJURED', after converting i

How to check if a CSV has a header using Python?

I have a CSV file and I want to check if the first row has only strings in it (ie a header). I'm trying to avoid using any extras like pandas etc. I'm thinking

pandas read_csv() method supports zip archive reading but not to_csv() method supports zip archive saving

Pandas 0.18 supports read_csv zip file as argument and reading zipped csv table correctly into data frame. But when i am trying to use to_csv() method to save d

Powershell for creating folders and subfolders from csv

I try to prepare a script that will create folders and subfolders from CSV. When I create a CSV with 1 column 'Name' like so Name XYZ ZXX FFF with the follo

How can i find the "non-unique" rows?

I imported CSV files with over 500k rows, one year, every minute. To merge two of this files, i want so re-sample the index to every minute: Temp= pd.read_csv(

Convert csv to parquet file using python

I am trying to convert a .csv file to a .parquet file. The csv file (Temp.csv) has the following format 1,Jon,Doe,Denver I am using the following python

How can i fill in missing csv file value base on reference csv file

I have a reference file like this Id, Value1, Value2 a, a1, a2 b, b1, b2 c, c1, c2 d, d1, d2 ... n, n1, n2 and the missing file Id, Value1, Value2 d, ,

Parsing in memory CSV files from zip archives

I'm working on a new library which will allow the user to parse any file (xlsx, csv, json, tar, zip, txt) into generators. Now I'm stuck at zip archive and when

How to solve error UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xe9 in position 106: invalid continuation byte in tensorflow

I need help to deal with an error... I try to create an object detection program with a tutorial made by lazy tech on Youtube. This tutorial use this repo on gi

Parse CSV records in to an array of objects in JavaScript

I'm new to JS and not much exp in Regex to play with string manipulation. Here is my CSV file with records in tabular form with the first line as headers and

Convert JSON to CSV and maintain column order

I need to convert json to csv for an inventory feed with no headers and I have no problem with the conversion but the column order is getting changed. Is there