Category "cucumber"

Running Cucumber in Springboot with Maven in executable JAR

Hello fellow engineers! I have run into a problem when trying to create a FAT jar to execute the Cucumber tests. Initially, I have followed the guide to set up

Blank console upon trying to run cucumber feature file

I am trying to run a Cucumber feature file by Right Click > Run As > Feature File. But no action is triggered. Blank console output. What may be the case?

Types of property 'theme' are incompatible in cucumber-html-reporter

Hi I'm new to cucumber framework and I was trying to generate a html report using cucumber-html-reporter. But the 'theme' property in options of cucumber-html-r

Using Karate, how do I loop though a json to pick up the value for a key based on another key in that json block?

Below is the JSON response I get from which I want to extract y1. Before getting the response, I know x1 already but I don't know y1. So for that particular x k

Allure is not generating report on cucumber 7

After updating the cucumber version to 7.2.3, Allure not generating reports. (unknown report and NaN%). It still uses the config file in the directory. I think

How can I pass tags when starting a cucumber android run using Gradle?

I have a suite of cucumber android tests (they are instrumented tests) and I run them using gradlew connectedCheck. What I'm trying to do is run only certain ta

Typescript/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor : Writing a Scenario Outline with dynamic examples

My question is very similar to this one: Behave: Writing a Scenario Outline with dynamic examples. The difference is that I do not use Python. I handle my Gherk

How to use Autowired in BeforeStep cucumber step definition

I'm getting NullPointerException when I use @Autowired in the @BeforeStep cucumber method in my step definition. What I'm doing wrong here? Please find my code

FailSafe plugin is not running feature files in parallel

I have included failsafe plugin with parallel methods and threadcount 4. And framework is cucumber with junit. I'm trying to run features in parallel with fails

How to run selected feature files/scenarios in cypress cucumber and skip others

I tried several commands but nothing seems to work. Either it escapes all or runs none. @TestFeature Feature: Test Feature Testing sample feature Bac

Cannot read property 'CUCUMBER_PUBLISH_ENABLED' of undefined

I have the error Cannot read property 'CUCUMBER_PUBLISH_ENABLED' of undefined when trying to execute my e2e test using cucumber in my angular project. Please do

How can I get a "single HTML file" report in Cucumber?

I've a use case where i need a single HTML file report that I need to e-mail further. I get these files as a cucumber report: Is there any way to generate a si

"How to execute a whole scenario with 5 steps before some particular scenarios in cucumber"

"Can i execute a specific scenario that is having suppose 5 steps before some specific scenaros in Cucumber? Suppose i have a feature file that contains 3 sce

Is additional context configuration required when upgrading cucumber-jvm from version 4 to version 6?

I am using cucumber-jvm to perform some functional tests in Kotlin. I have the standard empty runner class: @RunWith(Cucumber::class) @CucumberOptions(features=

After updating cucumber-groovy I get "Access to 'PickleStepTestStep' exceeds its access rights"

After updating cucumber-groovy from version 4.7.1 to 6.1.2 I started getting an error Access to 'PickleStepTestStep' exceeds its access rights. In old version i

How to read csv file based on scenario outline

I am using cucumber and trying to read row from my csv file based on scenario name. Feature file : Scenario Outline: Verify content of my probblem1 S

How to automatic load .feature files

Here is an example of the (react) architecture. src/ components/ Input/ Tests/ Input.feature Input.test.js We test with react testing library and

Trying to upload image using Karate REST API tool

I m trying to upload two images in the post method, like this but it's returning this error, the api didn't receive the uploads images I want to know how is t

Is it possible to execute cucumber scenario's in parallel on different browsers(chrome and firefox) at same time?

I succeeded to run cucumber scenario's in parallel but only on one browsertype(chrome or firefox). So first I run my tests on chrome. When tests finish I start

Could not resolve version conflict among [io.cucumber:cucumber-core:jar:7.3.4 -> io.cucumber:messages:jar:18.0.0

I have included all the jars in the POM file as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns="" xml