Category "curl"

FOXPRO: SMS using Curl to Post in a Adress with Headers, and use in FOXPRO

I install a SMS Gateway in a phone with android. If a use the CURL in command line, i can send the messages perfectly. I try to transform in Foxpro way, and i h

PHP CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION returns headers in body

When i include curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, 'curl_write_flush'), i get headers inserted into the $body. But without CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION everything

Error cURL AbuseIPDB through Powershell Command - Cannot bind parameter 'Headers'

I'd like to ask about cURL command for AbuseIPDB, as stated in So I tried to run the command with the following Power

Error cURL AbuseIPDB through Powershell Command - Cannot bind parameter 'Headers'

I'd like to ask about cURL command for AbuseIPDB, as stated in So I tried to run the command with the following Power

How do I outtput Azure cognitive services Text to speech (TTS) to MP3 file? Keep getting

I am using Azure Cognitive Services with text to speech (tts) in combination with PHP and Curl and while I am getting output, I am not getting anything usable a

curl: (6) Could not resolve host: summary

I have something wrong in my curl command and after a couple of tries I can't figure it out. The full error log: curl: (6) Could not resolve host: summary curl:

curl: (6) Could not resolve host: summary

I have something wrong in my curl command and after a couple of tries I can't figure it out. The full error log: curl: (6) Could not resolve host: summary curl:

PHP cURL (SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain)

When making a php cURL request in production, I am getting the following error: Problem with SSL certificate: self-signed certificate in the certificate chain.

close curl connection after telnet

What I Want: After a successful connection, I want curl to exit successfully. I am running this command inside a container, so I want the curl command to exit s

curl lib in php needs html button click

I am trying to open a SAML xml endpoint with the following PHP code: $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$URL); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT

What does "Signature Verified" result from mean?

I am creating a jwt using the header, payload and prvate key provided by Apple. I get "Signature Verified" result using public key and generated token in

Basic Authentication with CURL/PHP

I'm trying to do a basic API Authentication using PHP and CURL and I keep getting the error "no Route matched with those values". Here is what the API docs are

Adobe AEM package manager - how to show Activity log using curl

I am using curl to automate AEM package manager, but I would like to see the actual progress. What I am seeing in /crx/packmgr/index.jsp in the window on the lo

Get NPM Package README via API

I need to get NPM Package README files in PHP. Does anyone know an API that I can use to grab this? I've tried to use, although the latest ve

Log in to a site (Stack Overflow) by Bash

How can I log in to a website using Bash in Linux? For example, to log in to Stack Overflow I tried many different methods, shown below, but nothing's worked. w

Grep exclude count of occurence match between comments <!-- --> of curl body

I am very new to linux & bash script. I'm trying to read an xml file using curl command and count the number of occurrence of the word </entity> in it

Flush local disk of Google Colab to Google Drive

I am downloading a 350 GB dataset to Google Drive by setting my current working directory to a folder on Google Drive in Google Colab, and using the curl comman

Flickr camera roll backup with wget or curl

How can I backup the camera roll page in flickr with wget or curl as a static page? #!/bin/bash cookies=/Users/xxx/Downloads/flickr/cookies.txt root="https://w

php curl_exec() Connection refused when retrieving a remote image

I want to retrieve a remote hosted image with php. The image exists, I can access to it with my browser. However the result of the curl_exec() is empty and the

asdf plugin add giving "curl: (3) Illegal characters found in URL" with packer build

Packer version 1.8.0 I am using packer vagrant builder to generate a vagrant-box for