the installation of cx_Freeze fails with the error displayed in the screenshot below. I would be thankful if someone could guide me through the installation. Th
I am attempting to use cx_Freeze as an alternative to my usual application for converting .py to .exe (auto-py-to-exe). When I run it in cmd I get: C:\WINDOWS\
I have written a Python 3.6 program that reads a .txt file of UTM coordinates, sorts them into counterclockwise order, displays the coordinates on a graph using
I am building an API that uses Waitress, Flask, and Flask_SocketIO in Windows. Everything works fine from the command line, but when I try to bundle my API into
I am building an application which would make use of htmltidy, a library that cleans up bad HTML. There is a python binding which makes use of the soname libtid
I got a problem trying to compile any python program with cx_freeze on Mac. For now the program i'm trying to get an executable is the following: print('Hello W