Category "cxf"

Apache CXF JaxWsProxyFactoryBean SSL Configuration call to external https fails

I have a spring microservice docker deployed. I use JaxWsProxyFactoryBean to call an external server (soap/wsdl) and all goes well using http://externalServer:

How to fix java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Implementing class with cxf

We are having an issue making a SOAP client call on tomcat 8 in a RedHat linux environment running openjdk version "1.8.0_201", while the same call works fine w

replacement for camel cxfbean

we are currently struggling with updating our legacy service (non spring, jee + deltaspike, weld) and it's dependencies. We try to upgrade from camel 2.16.2 to

Common request/response objects between 2 SOAP webservices in Java

In my project we must call 2 contract first SOAP Web Services with identical Request/Response objects. As the web services were contract first, I created classe

Missing SOAP-ENV webservice response header in JBOSS EAP 7.4.3 after migration from 6.4

0 I am trying to migrate my application server (JBOSS EAP) from 6.4 to 7.4.3. But, after migration I am getting the below error while hitting my webservices. Un

bus properties settings ignored

I had cxf.xml file: <beans .... <cxf:bus> <cxf:features> <cxf:logging/> </cxf:features> </cxf:bus> </beans&

How to rename xs:simpleType during jaxb XJC generation?

I'm using jaxb and xjc to autogenerate java classes from xsd files. Problem: I have two files that show the same simpleType name. And thus get a compilation err

How to stop camel doWhile loop

We have a independent bundle creating factory parts based on a few header variables [direct-vm:createPartService]. My application needs loop through a list of

how to set https proxy in cxf client ?

I am using below code for my webservice client : HelloService hello = new HelloService(); HelloPortType helloPort = cliente.getHelloPort(); org.apache.cxf.end when invoking WSDL service

I was looking to use the Travelport Universal API to develop a Flight Booking System, so i have used this Travelport Developers official link as reference: Get