Category "cypress"

ReferenceError: context is not defined when using cypress with

Here's my test in ./tests/homepage.test.js context('Signup flow', () => { it('The happy path should work', () => { cy.visit('https://grazily.c

Bitbucket pipeline Your system is missing the dependency: Xvfb

I'm trying to add cypress to the bitbucket pipeline but it tells me that I need to install Xvfb and I don't know how to keep going. This is my bitbucket.pipelin

Looking for a way to excute a command line from cypress

I need to create a file and copy it somewhere by some code from cypress . the first step is done by using cy.writeFile and now myfile.txt is created Now i need

How can I connect twice to db in Cypress tests?

I need to connect to my db (Postgres) twice during autotest - at the beginning to truncate and at the end to select a new note from the table. I tried to do it

Cypress-webpack preprocesor, alias doesnt work

I use a vue-cli- without vue-cli-cypress (some problems with enviroments variables). Everywhere in the code, we use '@' to import some components and etc. So I

Cypress doesn't take updated values in the repetition, only takes hard coded numbers

Why does it seems like cypress wants to know how many times the test cases will repeat before running all the test-cases. In my case I have two test files somet

Can we directly unit test HTML embedded JavaScript functions?

Suppose we have a webpage with embedded JavaScript as in index.html as follows: <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="" lang="en" xm

How to use Cypress datatables to loop through multiple test scenarios?

I am trying to use datatables to test one input field in my Cypress scenario below Scenario: The one where the user enters a value to calculate the factorial

Cypress with Azure AD (MSAL)

I'm new to both Cypress and Azure AD, but I've been following the steps described here to create Cypress tests on an existing Angular app that uses Azure AD. It

Cypress basic authentication in all cy.visit requests

I have a cy.visit() calls with basic authentication which looks like this: it('launch website', () => { cy.visit('url', { auth: { username: '....',

Why does Cypress get ECONNRESET when accessing port 443?

Cypress is failing whenever it tries to start the browser for any test. The debug output (below) for Cypress says that it makes a request of at

Cypress web sockets error: 'Sec-WebSocket-Accept' header is missing

I am trying to test a VueJs application with Cypress. Everything works well except the websocket connection that fails with the message: Error during WebSocket

cy.intercept randomly not work when "delay" is set

I use cy.intercept to mock an api. But I can't understand why the requests are not always intercepted by cy.intercept. The failure is random. Here is my interce

Webpack compilation error with Cypress-webpack-preprocessor

I am not able to run cypress test and getting foll error: When I ran cypress run: It is giving below Webpack compilation error Webpack Compilation Error ./cypre


We've suddenly been having an issue with cypress automation, and it is impacting a number of people / different pc's. It will run then stop with this error Erro

Nodemailer. createTestAccount and cypress: generate same email address

I created an E2E to test for signups, using Nodemailer with Ethereal. When the test runs the first time everything ends smoothly, but when I executed it a secon

How to check the radio button is clickable or not in cypress

I need to check whether the radio button is clickable or not. In some scenarios this radio button is clickable but in some scenarios, the user is not able to cl

How to fetch copied to clipboard content in cypress

How to get the 'clipboard' content in cypress. I have a button in my web application, on click of button system will perform 'copy to clipboard' and a message

Typescript/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor : Writing a Scenario Outline with dynamic examples

My question is very similar to this one: Behave: Writing a Scenario Outline with dynamic examples. The difference is that I do not use Python. I handle my Gherk

How to run tests outside of integration folder in Cypress

I have project B linked to project A with npm link and am trying to run tests from B in A. Project A builds the entire front end and could use other modules tha