Category "cypress"

Cypress task fails and complains that task event has not been registered in the plugins file

I am using the cypress cy.task() method/ function to copy a csv file from one directory to another directory. Below is my cy.task('copycsvFile') and relevant co

How do I select the right elements with querySelectorAll as I do by using the Chrome developers console?

I'm currently using cypress to test salesforce, and I'm running into a certain circumstance where I don't know the Party record ID that will create it within th

How do I select the right elements with querySelectorAll as I do by using the Chrome developers console?

I'm currently using cypress to test salesforce, and I'm running into a certain circumstance where I don't know the Party record ID that will create it within th

Cypress: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'cypress/types/lodash

I am running my first test in Cypress from VS IDE and Cypress was working while until I encountered the error below without having changed or updated anything..

Is it possible implement an equivalent of data provider in

Is it possible to implement an equivalent of data provider in I was checking and you can simulate it with a fixture and make a foreach for it but I

Cypress - How to verify if a file is downloaded?

I would like to check that a file is downloaded as part of my test. I only need to confirm that the file is downloaded after clicking a button. I have no need t

How to test testcase wise in cypress

Just like @Test (TestNG) in Selenium. Is there a way to test cases one by one and each test case not affecting the subsequent one in cypress?

cypress-testrail-accumulative-reporter is generating the multiple test run as per the number of parallel threads

I am using cypress-testrail-accumulative-reporter in my cypress automation project for testrail integration. I am executing the automation with 2 parallel threa

How do I keep writing in the same JSON file within cypress?

I'm currently setting up a test scenario that allows me to create a random email, and I would like to do more series of tests and keep writing on the same JSON

How can I save API response body or property in an environment variable or json to use it later in other requests in Cypress

API runs locally(and in future in a circleCI container) so I don't need to stub responses, only real requests and real responses. When I send a POST request, it

Cypress add delay to API call

I'm trying to test for a bug caused by a race condition based on which of two API calls returns first. To do this, I'd like to create a Cypress test that adds s

Cypress failed to make a connection to the Chrome DevTools Protocol: ECONNREFUSED at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect

I'm simply trying to run some of the tests in the example folder under Integration and it will not run on Chrome. Runs on Electron and Edge but refuses to run o

Perform Drag&Drop with Cypress

I've tried for some days to perform an e2e test that performs a Drag&Drop event in Selenium, and after several ways to resolve this, someone told me about C

How do I wait for an element to disappear in Cypress?

I'd like to preface this by saying that I really tried looking here and anywhere else for an answer but without a succes. Here is the problem: I'm trying to aut

Test angular component @Output using Storybook and Cypress

I am trying to test the output of an angular component. I have a checkbox component that output its value using an EventEmitter. The checkbox component is wrapp

Cypress - How can I check Google Events fired before the new page loads

This is the scenario: User accesses Clicks the X button A Google Analytic event is fired here <-- I want to check this event User is redirected to

Setting global variables, functions in cypress

I wonder if its possible to set up for example variable with function for login on global level in cypress. So I could for example on start of every test write

How to test 'HOVER' using Cypress(.trigger('mouseover') doesn't work)

I wonder if it's possible to test coverable dropdown menu bar using Cypress. For example, when you go to Ebay(, you'll see the alert icon a

Creating a variable in a Cypress test to store text on a page in order to compare it against text on a different page

I'm trying to create a variable in my cypress test that will allow me to store info from one web page for when I click a link and leave the page. I want to comp

Search for matches in an array of objects. JS

I have the following response from the server. I need to search this answer and compare it in turn with each field. Example: My task is that I know for sure tha