Category "daphne"

How to increase number of workers in Daphne with Django

With gunicorn I can increase thenumber of workers using -w 17 command: gunicorn server.asgi:application --bind -w 17 -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWork

How to configure Daphne proxy with Nginx and uwsgi

I have a Django application located in a server with Nginx and uwsgi configuration. And now I have to work with Django Channels too. In a local computer all it'

Error when deploying django web application with daphne: Requested setting INSTALLED_APPS, but settings are not configured

I have been battling with an error that I encountered when trying to deploy a django application that uses channels. Error in heroku logs Starting process with

Channels websocket AsyncJsonWebsocketConsumer disconnect not reached

I have the following consumer: class ChatConsumer(AsyncJsonWebsocketConsumer): pusher = None async def connect(self): print(self.scope)

What's the right procfile / requirements for heroku with django channels?

tl;dr - django channels app runs local with runserver but not on heroku. I'm new to django channels - trying to deploy a very basic django app using