I want to create a radio button style voting system using icons in Flutter (Dart) which looks like this: vote icons The concept is simple: The page will display
when I try to getCurrentPosition while the application in the background or terminated, it returns ' MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method g
I'm developing a simple app to learn firebase, the creation of data is working fine, but they can't fetch the created data. and there is no error showing. just
I am trying to find a way to send keyboard events from my flutter app to a WebView that I have open in app. For example, the WebView has some JS code with an Ob
Hello friends first off all sorry for my bad English. I'm getting an error when I start debug my code in flutter-Dart. import 'package:flutter/foundat
I have a directory full of pdf's with name as A00-2020-01.pdf The A00 is the user ID, 2020 is year, 01 is month And the directory is full of 1800 members with
I only have TextFormFields in 2 places in my app. Once in my Login Widget and second in my PinWidget, which is meant to set a personal pin. Home: is always the
I'm trying to use the flutter ffi to port over my c/c++ code but it's unable to open the dynamic library it needs to be able to work(I'm on windows) import 'dar
When I load my flutter app which uses " scan: ^1.6.0 " package once the scanner gets mounted my app shifts orientation from portrait to landscape this only happ
I am getting a null value for the 'count' when I am accessing it through the Text widget. But when I print the value of count in the function, it shows the corr
I've solved several solutions on Codewars and saw that one solution uses [...], I tried to google what it is, but google only finds how to create arrays (List a
class Foo { int count; // Error void bar() => count = 0; } Why I'm seeing an error when I'am already initializing it in the bar method? I could understa
I am having issue generating the hive type adapter. But no such out put generated by the command line codes flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete
I am developing an app in flutter using the google_maps_flutter package. I listen for user taps on the screen and record the lat/lng of that press. However, I d
I have a bottom navigation bar with some tabs and I want to animate the icons of them when I switch page, without an external package. And I have one more quest
After upgrade the linter to the new version (flutter_lints: 2.0.1) in my pubspec the linter enables this rule: library_private_types_in_public_api by default. I
I am having a TextFormField as a child in Form like below Form(
Is it possible to send environment variables to string.xml in flutter? How to do it?
I am trying to set up a Dart project to use shelf. Now to enable hot reload, I am trying to install dartman. On doing pub global activate dartman Command 'pub'
I am trying to send a soap request with two arguments using flutter. The wsdl can be found at this address I didn't found any ways to only send a request with