I have a User class which contains a Purchase class. I want to make it non-nullable, but not required. So this means that I would need to set a default value. I
I want to create an app which allows to put lock on the other apps that are to be protected in the device. This app lock will start automatically before opening
Where need I to set the path to the protoc to get import standards Protocol Buffers (protobuf), like empty.proto and timestamp.proto in Windows and Dart? When
I used the following syntax for my GET request var response = await http.get(Uri.parse(url), headers: { "Content-Type": "application/pdf", 'Authorizatio
I'm trying to setup an android emulator but I don't have intel. I've been through so many similar pages but none have given me an answer on why I can't get my f
I get this error in my code where I used a table_calendar dependency. Here is my code where I implemented the calendar. import 'package:fitr/reusable_widgets/bo
Im using this package flutter_datetime_picker: ^1.5.1 And this is my code String _date = "Please pick Age"; Widget _buildage() { return Column(crossAxis
TimeOfDay documentation has no comparison operator and primitive comparison does not work. My only solution that I can thinking of right now is to convert TimeO
I have a Model called service provider that contains a the following data: class ServiceProvider { final String logoUrl; final int lowerPrice; final
I want to show notifications on windows using Flutter. But I'm unable to do so. I've tried packages like deskkop_notifications and flutter_local_notifications.
I am trying to run a dart file without null safety using the command line. The file is: sandbox.dart void main() { String a; print(a); } I then run the
I am trying to run a dart file without null safety using the command line. The file is: sandbox.dart void main() { String a; print(a); } I then run the
Good day, guys I'm new to using Riverpod, I have a counter app that when the FAB button is tapped it increases the counter by 1. This works well using Riverpod
I used an enum variable in a class. Now I want to implement the toMap and fromMap methods for the class. enter code here enum ColorNumber { inc, dec, none }
I need on click delete image from firebase storage and firestore I've written this code that does the delete from firestore only. onLongPress: ()async{ await
How do you read text from a file and write text to a file? I've been learning about how to read and write text to and from a file. I found another question abo
void main() { Car c1 = new Car('E1001'); } class Car { String engine; Car(String engine) { this.engine = engine; print("The engine is : ${engine}
I have a ListView, filled with Firebase collection as chat messages. When the user long press a ListTile (an item on the list), I show a BottomSheet. When the
In Flutter, DropdownButtonFormField's modal list keeps growing to fill some height limit that seems to be ~90% of the screen (or possibly, and more likely, the
I want to print a message in the console every hour between the times from 9.00 AM to 16.30 PM using flutter.