Running on AWS and EMR, Jupyter, Pyspark notebook and trying to install a python package "sparse_dot_topn" version 0.2.9 I'm getting an error I don't understand
I have a variety of behavior data in a big Elasticsearch database, and I'd like to do some analysis. In particular, I want to look at repeat behaviors by the ti
How to compute similarity(percentage) between two matrix/arrays. or find the closest array/matrix to a given array, on the basis of how similar their data value
I have two dataframes, and I am struggling to match the unique ids that I created in df1 to df2 based on 'name' and 'version' values. I need to add a column to
I am working on some analytical work and we need to transform data from one source to another and we are using DBT for transformation purpose. one of the data a
I am working on some analytical work and we need to transform data from one source to another and we are using DBT for transformation purpose. one of the data a
In one column of my dataset the assignment of a record to a phase is listed. Phase I (I), Phase II (I), Phase III (I). Each dataset has an ass
I have a CSV file and I want to extract the element in the first row and 3rd column. How might I go about doing this?
I have a df, A B one six two seven three level five one and a dictionary my_dict={1:"one,two",2:"three,four"} I want to replace df.A with my_di
I have diferent dataframes and need to merge them together based on the date column. If I only had two dataframes, I could use df1.merge(df2, on='date'), to do
I have a system of two first order ODEs, which are nonlinear, and hence difficult to solve analytically in a closed form. I want to fit the numerical solution t
I'm trying to get monthly production using group by after converting the unix column into regular timestamp. Can you please tell how to use group by here in the
I would like to query (SQL with joins) CSV files sitting in a network folder for performing data analysis work. I'm not allowed to move the files out of the net
Opening a dtale sheet using Eclipse Pydev on Windows leads to ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED on browser. The same code works on spyder and jupyter however. I know dtale
I have a pdf file and I need to edit some text/values in the pdf. For example, in the pdfs that I have "BIRTHDAY DD/MM/YYYY" is always "N/A". I want to change i
I was counting the no of occurrence of angle and dist by the code below: g = new_df.value_counts(subset=['Current_Angle','Current_dist'] ,sort = False) the out