I tried to set as only biginter but it lost its autoincrement properties. So I tried adding auto-increment as well. $table->changeColumn('id', 'biginteger',
I have an integer field, and the default value of the field is null. Migration Schema::table('servers', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->unsignedInt
I am currently using a tool that allows you to apply database migrations only using a CLI (Prisma). My database is in a private network in AWS. To do it manuall
Do you need hybrid connectivity with expressroute or S2S to execute a data center migration with Azure Migrate if your goal is to exit the data center? Thank yo
I'm trying to upgrade from Solr 6.x to 8.x and I'm facing an issue of keeping/saving/importing the old data that I've had. The approaches I tried using the same
In a blue green deployment environment, I'm trying to use two separate database for each environment. In this case, How does realtime data synchronisation could
I am trying to add a new column to my existing table in database, i am specifying new field into class and running Add-Migration command but everytime it is cre
I'm on a Mac OS Yosemite using Laravel 5.0. While in my local environment, I run php artisan migrate I keep getting : Access denied for user 'homestead'@'local
Our team recently upgraded our databases from SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server 2012. One breaking change we noticed was in the default order of rows returned by th
Is there a way that I can mark a Doctrine migration as "ran" or "executed" in the way that it won't be shown as a migration that needs to be migrated? app/cons
Let's say I'm migrating a MySQL database to PostgreSQL with pgloader, using the default sample on the official website: load database from mysql://
I've seen lots of examples of making Docker containers for Rails applications. Typically they run a rails server and have a CMD that runs migrations/setup then
I am having an issue running migrations with TypeORM (with the intent of establishing my database for use in local development). In running a migration on the i
I am looking for an ETL solution that has all the necessary components with limited hand-coding that helps to migrate data from Oceanbase DB to AWS aurora. I tr
I have spend several days now trying to figure out why my back-end is not working on the online version of my app. I created a Nuxt project that uses Prisma for