Category "database"

Liquibase exclude any changesets without a label

Is it possible to prevent changesets without a label from being deployed? We want to deploy our changesets based on feature/ticket using liquibase labels. Howev

java.lang.module.ResolutionException: Modules persistence.api and java.persistence export package javax.persistence.spi to module sqlite.dialect

I'm trying to build my first jpa hibernate projekt, but unfortunally i come across this error here: Error occurred during initialization of boot layer java.lang

MySQL single table with hourly, daily, monthly values, or separate tables?

When working with data values, should I create a single table storing the hourly values, and also the aggregated daily/monthly values, or should I create separa

Issues with Angular/Firebase data

I'm sort of new to Angular and I'm working on a small project for an internship. I created the front-end and sending data into the database, but now I'm having

How to match a node with over n relationships using neo4j's Cypher Query Language?

A node of a Round in a game is connected to Answer nodes. (:Round)<-[:IN_ROUND]-(:Answer) It is expected every Round to have 5 or fewer Answers related to it

How to create ERD from Heroku PostgreSQL database?

I would like to create ERD from my Heroku PostgreSQL database? How can I generate ERD? Is there any external tool that will help with this? Can you use Dbeaver

How to create ERD from Heroku PostgreSQL database?

I would like to create ERD from my Heroku PostgreSQL database? How can I generate ERD? Is there any external tool that will help with this? Can you use Dbeaver

Manage unique fields insertion with hibernate

I'm working on a JAVA project and need to insert an entity in my DB using Hibernate but the fields need to be inserted only once. I have this ProjectEntity clas

How to get the total byte size of schemas & databases in Snowflake

I love how the SHOW TABLES query return the rows and the bytes for each table listed, but unfortunately, that's not the case for the SHOW SCHEMAS query. What's

Properly parsing mixed codepage strings?

I have this weird state that my db got into. Basically, some text is in mixed mode. windows-1252 and miscoded utf-8. Here's a sample: "donc d'être transpa

how to install oracle database express on mac m1

I want to Install Oracle Database Express on macbook m1 but it only supports linux and windows, I downloaded Sql developer but I m unable to download Oracle dat

Azure SQL Database, NodeJS app: failed to connect

probably someone has encounterd the same problem and have a solution. I have a SQL Database in my Azure Portal account. I have created a NodeJS application in a

Joining MySQL table

in my database there are 2 tables : posts, room Posts tables include ID and Title columns and includes many rooms and hotels titles and IDs. In the room table t

telegraf output plugin http error with TDengine

I'm working on a monitoring system to retrieve hardware metric by telegraf and store the time-series data to TDengine. But seem the data insertion is very slow

How to listen for new records in database with Sequelize?

I have a PostgreSQL database with Sequelize ORM and I want to listen for new entries. How should I do? Should I use Sequelize afterCreate hook? Can someone help

Postgresql database autoscaling in GCP

I have an app that spikes postgresql queries at morning 70% CPU usage, and has very few the rest of the day less than 20% usage. I want this machine to autoscal

Unable to start PSQL in DigitalOcean

I am unable to connect to PSql from my DigitalOcean server. This happened after resizing the droplet. listen_addresses = '*' added to postgresql.conf host all a

How to use group by and ordery by with some operation in SQL? [closed]

I have two columns price and sold_count for the product table. How do write sql query to find the top 3 shops having highest Revenue (calculat

YYYYWW format in SQL Redshift

My company recently migrated to Redshift from Redash recently and I'm having a hard time recreating the YEARWEEK() function available in MySQL but not in Redshi

Update a table with its relations in TypeOrm

We have: Postgres Database Photo: import {Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, Column, ManyToOne} from "typeorm"; import {User} from "./User"; @Entity() export clas