Category "datasource"

Micronaut, db-scheduler: No current transaction present. Consider declaring @Transactional on the surrounding method

I'm trying to use db-scheduler with Micronaut. Therefore, I created a @Singleton service where I inject the actual DataSource which is of type TransactionAwareD

Update Angular paginator after filtering?

I have a custom datasource in Angular where I have implemented sorting, paging and filtering. All of them works fine but when I go to filter the data in the tab

Add a spinner when Mat-table is loading?

I load the data in my material table like that : ngOnInit(){ return this.annuairesService.getMedecins().subscribe(res => = res);} I

Error when looking up data source name when deploying httpServlet to weblogic 12 server

I am trying to deploy an ear file to a Weblogic 12 server. The ear file contains a HttpServlet. During deployment, the HttpServlet is trying to initialize and

Android - DataSource vs Repository

You hear a lot of people talking about repositories and datasources when talking about design patterns like MVVM or MVI. I've been creating repositories for thi

java.lang.AbstractMethodError: com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.isValid(I)Z

I am trying to connect my Servlet to mysql database using data Source . But whenever I run my servlet I end up getting this exception : java.lang.AbstractMetho

Data driven coded UI test with excel file as a data source

I built a coded UI test and I want to make it a data driven test , I want to get the data from an excel file ( Data.xls )located in the same directory with the