Category "date-range"

Coupon daily time range in WooCommerce

I'm tying to enable the use of coupons to a range of hours in Woocommerce without success. Based on Discount on specific products based on a daily time range in

Highcharts Issue in range selector buttonafter calling setExtremes in case of YTD button click

We have a highchart where we have implemented range selector , with buttons like 1d, 7d, 1m, 6m, 1y, YTD and ALL. In our case we have data starting from Jan 1,

React-Native — How to select a start and end date using react-native-calendars (WIX)?

I am trying to enable date range using react-native-calendars. On my app, the calendar loads a few 'markedDates'; now I need to implement a start and end date f

How to get exclusive date ranges?

I would like an object that gives me a date range for every month (or quarter) from 1990-01-01 to 2021-12-31, separated by a colon. So for example in the monthl

Fetching rows added last hour

I keep a record of logins in a table. I have columns for id, ip, date and time. From that record of logins I wanna fetch logins made only in the last hour. I'