Category "datepicker"

React DatePicker Not showing the selected date in useState

I have a code that should show the calendar so that user can pick the date : Problem is the useState is not picking the selected date. Please help me. Below is

vanillajs-datepicker get date on click (change)

I'm trying to get a date when I click on a calendar date (change). The doc says there is a event trigger. But can't get it to work. I made a custom Event Listen

Angular Material Datepicker Popup positioned wrong

First of all, this material datepicker is based on: I have cop

How to change DatePicker's texts color in SwiftUI?

I saw this question but it doesn't work in SwiftUI. Changing text color of datepicker I tried .forgroundColor and .accentColor but they don't change the texts

SwiftUI: how to create custom UIDatePicker?

I succeeded to create UIDatePicker inside SwifUI, but when I change the date wheel in picker the date value not update, here is my code: struct DatePicker: UIVi

Pikaday DD/MM/YYYY format opening as MM/DD/YYYY

I have a blade component with the following alpine code <div x-data="{ value: @entangle($attributes->wire('model')), picker: undefined }" x-init="new Pika

How can I format the Angular Material datepicker without moment.js dependency

What do I want to achieve? I want my Angular Material(v11) datepicker to use the DD-MM-YYYY format in an Angular version 11 project. What have I tried? I tried

ng-bootstrap Datepicker defaulting the navigation year to 10 years before the current date

I believe the default behaviour is to default the Year navigation to the current year with 10 years prior as the minimun date and 10 years forward as the maximu

how delete focus border on click date

I need to put a date in my apllication so I do this: <!--data --> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-6 col-lg-6 col-xl-6 f

SwiftUI: DatePicker is it possible to display date/time in other timezone then current?

In UIDatePicker we can do something like this datePicker.timeZone = TimeZone(secondsFromGMT: 5*60*60) in order to specify timezone of datepicker. But how

How to remove arrows on hover of<input type=date> in Chrome [duplicate]

I've created date picker as a button,and when hovering it, it looks messy in chrome browser. may be the reason is only because of its default

How to restrict user below 18 years to not register using reactjs datepicker?

I have successfully implemented the react js datepicker. Now I want to restrict users below 18 years to not register. This is my datepicker <DatePicker se

Angular Material datepicker does not return value when action button is in use

The problem is that when clicking today-button, it is working, but when changing the date in datepicker, nothing happens and this seems to be because action but

Date Picker does not shown up

I am new to frontend development. Normally I do backend and infra. During the daytime I heard from the frontend-angular guys talking on datepicker widget a lot.

JavaScript open input date picker event

I am trying to open a date calendar input when a change event is activated. There is a drop down field, and when a user clicks the "Specific Date" option, I wou

Hide input field from vuejs-datepicker

I am using vuejs-datepicker in one of my vue project. I want to hide the default input and show the Calendar when user press a button. I am trying to have the &

Ion-datetime min/max for hours doesn’t works

I'm trying to implement a min and max attributes for datepickers. So i have two datepickers, one for start and another for the end, both just pick hours and min

Kendo UI datepicker incompatible with Chrome 56

After updating Chrome to version 56.0.2924.76 (64-bit), our Kendo datepickers stopped working. All datepickers were bound using ViewModels, and now they don't s

How can I load value on input date with angular?

I'm programming with Angular 1.5.5 and I'm using Materialize CSS 0.97.6. On my controller, I have $scope.myDate = '2017-01-13T02:06:40' In the HTML file, I have

MUI DatePicker hangs on big date changes

MUI DatePicker (either from Labs or X) was working fine. I cannot work out what happened, but it now hangs if I want to change the date by ten years. It seems l