Category "dax"

Responsive duration curve in Power BI

I am not experienced with DAX, but want to create a duration curve in Power BI which is responsive to the user's selections (slicers): I am working with time s

Calculate sum by each category in Power Bi Dax

I am trying to calculate the total recipe cost price for each recipe. I used the below DAX formula as shown in the image but I am not getting the correct result

DAX query with DISTINCT values, avoid repetition

I am doing a DAX query able to retrieve a list of products installed before a certain date (COIDate) , and that have a specific ProductLine. But, it returns t

PowerBi Distinctcount not working properly with 3 measures

I am having an issue using the Distinctcount function in DAX. I have a table with a total of 1,154,493 rows. I have a measure created to count the number of d

How to create a column based on grouped condition?

My test tabe in powerbi: IdRecord Date Value 1 2022-04-25 23:45:00.000 100 1 2022-04-24 18:07:00.000 344 2 2022-05-01 23:45:00.000 5 2 2022-05-02 18:07:00.000

How to use slicer of one table to change a value of slicer in another table in PowerBI

Hi I have two tables(table1 & table2) which both contain year, quarter, month and week. I want to apply a slicer such that when I change the year or Quarter

Combine columns from different tables to make one table Power BI DAX

I have three different tables. I want to select different columns from each of the tables and create one table based on some filters. Have a look at the followi

Power BI Show only MTD

I have a problem with the MTD column. I want this column to show only April '22 sales and not the previous months. For example, the sales for April '22 is 7379,

Default slicer selection (latest date) in Power BI

My requirement is when a report will be opened in Power BI services by default, the latest date will be selected in a single select slicer. Consider in import m

Difference between multiple dates in the same column based on category

I have the following problem .. I have this table: I want to create a calculated column that tells me the difference of days between two dates of the same c

Power BI: Order data by YearMonth in DAX

I would like to create a YearMonth column in Power BI and group data in this order in visual plot, say histogram. I tried to create a duplicate of the datetime

Why Am I getting Token Comma Expected in an If then else power query statement

I have this statement and according to all I've seen there shouldn't be a comma anywhere in the statement but for some reason I keep getting Token Comma Expecte


Hello, people. As you guys can see on the table above, I´have more than one "seller" per "order_num" and it’s ok. But I need to SUM the "sku_qtd" w

Row number partition by to POWER BI DAX query

Can someone help me to convert the sql string to Dax? row_number() p over (partition by date, customer, type order by day) The row number is my desired output.

Tabular Editor: How to use advanced scritpting to create multiple measures based on one value and one category column

I am trying to create multiple measures in Power BI through advanced scripting in Tabular editor that would replicate a Calculate(Sum(ColA),Keepfilters(ColB=i))

How can I add a column with find the closest date found in a second table using dax or m?

I have two tables. One with dates of tech support given, and the other one with surveys sent to the customers. The problem is that the surveys are sent some day

Sort column circular dependency in Power BI

I have to sort month name from January to December in Power BI Desktop. Power BI sorts the column according to the alphabetical order. Here is my dataset: When

Power BI : filter on a rank

I have calculated ranked using this formula which worked perfectly well : RANK = RANKX(ALL(td_store[LIB_MAG]), CALCULATE(SUM(tf_market_share_by_store_nomcenclat

How can I get total amount value for each different user in PowerBI

I want sum all 308 values in userprofileid column to get the total amount of the values for that user in the amount column This image shows GROUPBY(userprofile

How to count rows in a table, where a specific column value is in a list of specified values?

How do I create a DAX measure to count the number of customers in a customer table dCustomers, where the customerType is either FR, DE or GG? In SQL, this would