I am able to use dayjs inside vue3 component by adding it to data() import dayjs from 'dayjs' export default { data() { return { dayjs } } }
Hi guys I have this weird problem when using Dayjs relative time Previously I use momentjs var date = "2021-02-26 16:04:15"; moment(date).fromNow(); The relati
I am currently stuck on how to do validation with yup for same date. Currently I am able to validate if endDate is not before startDate using : schema = yup.obj
I'm trying to convert a date from my local time (Taipei UTC+8) to Los Angeles ( UTC-7) however dayjs conversion seems to be completely off : dayjs("2020-09-21 2
I want to replace momentjs with dayjs right now. First I added the dependencies: "dayjs":"1.10.7" then import the dayjs like this: import { Dayjs } from 'dayjs