Category "decentralized-applications"

How to get the returned data from a smart contract function using ethers.js?

I'm trying to consume a function from a smart contract using ethers.js. The function retrieve the info of a user logged before (with the help of other function)

Is it possible to host Node JS applications to IPFS? Possibly through Fleek?

Is it possible to host Node JS applications to IPFS? Possibly through Fleek? I know it's possible to host React JS app on IPFSA Using Fleek, but is it possible

how to connect trust wallet and metamask in react with ethers.js

I am going to connect with trust wallet on mobile and metamask on computer in react. but now I can only connect with metamask. I want to connect with trust wall

Trying to run a Brownie Dapp in Docker

I'm trying to run my brownie dapp in a docker container, but i always have the same error and can't seem to fix it: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or

How do I set Royalty on OpenSea from my DApp?

The project we are supposed to make is a minting page that can set royalty fee on opensea testnet from the dapp itself (i.e. you cannot set it from open sea's i

How to connect solana wallet in android?

I want to make nft marketplace with solana in android. There are many examples connecting solana wallet(ex. solflare, phantom ...) in web client. But i don't kn

difference between interface and abstract contract in solidity

I am learning solidity and got to know that interface and abstract are both classes that may contain unused functions. My doubt is: What is the difference betwe

How to convert mnemonic to 32 byte seed?

I have a 24-word mnemonic, and I want to convert it to public and private keys. This is how I did it: const hex = HexCoder.instance; final seed = bip39.mne

Ethers.js event listeners - Expected behavior for many getLogs/chainId/blocknumber requests?

I'm building a minting site that requires me to check the number of NFTs minted and display that number in real time to the user. At first I was just making a r

What is a starting point/template to build a decentralised app for Ethereum [closed]

I am interested in building decentralized apps on ethereum and am wondering about the common libraries being used. For example, I've heard of

Getting this error while installing DFX on my mac "curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired"

this is what i wrote to install it DFX_VERSION=0.9.3 sh -ci "$(curl -fsSL" I have node 16.14.0 installed but whenever i tr

Error: ipfs configuration file already exists

I already install ipfs via go ipfs. and I don't know why I encounter an error when I want to run "ipfs init " in my Terminal. could anyone help me to figure ou

Solana web3 js keep gives Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'negative') while trying to confirm transaction

I'm trying to sign a transaction with connected user's wallet, through phantom but I keep getting this error message Cannot read properties of undefined (readi