Category "deep-learning"

Reinforcement Learning of Kniffel/Yahtzee

I set myself the challenge to develop a deep reinforcement learning algorithm to solve the game Kniffel/Yahtzee. I coded the game with Python and inserted it in

Differentiate apple stem, calyx and defect

I am trying to differentiate apple stem calyx and defects. I have developed a detector that detects these parts on apple. But so far everything that i have trie

Deeplabv3 validation loss is nan

I had around 360 images splitted %25 as validation data. I could train Deeplabv3 with those images without any issue. Later on I have added around 40 images wi

How to download an older version of PyTorch Geometric in Google Colab?

Question: How can I download an older version of PyTorch geometric in google colab? Context: I am trying to use/load a pytorch-geometric graph and am getting th

How to get the actual learning rate in PyTorch?

I'm trying to find the appropriate learning rate for my Neural Network using PyTorch. I've implemented the torch.optim.lr_scheduler.CyclicLR to get the learning

Model accuracy not improving in CNN for image classification

I am using ResNext architecture for classification. the training dataset contains approximately 31000 images distributed among 61 classes. And validation datase

How to configure the Keras Optimizer and Learning rate using config.yaml file?

I have defined few parameters in my config.yaml like as below. params: epochs: 10 batch_size: 128 num_classes: 10 loss_function: sparse_categorical_cros

Gradio - Pytorch MNIST Digit Recognizer

I watched the following video on YouTube where it was shown that it is possible to use Gradio and the learned model

Is there a way to directly upload a video from youtube into colab?

I'm working on a lane detection project and I need to load the lane video into my colab for processing from youtube. Can i directly upload using the video's lin

Hardware for Machine Learning / Deep Learning

I want to build a new computer for Data Science purposes. What do you think about this hardware:

GlobalAveragePooling1D equivalence with Lambda Layer

Is the GlobalAveragePooling1D Layer the same like calculating the mean with a custom Lambda Layer? The data is temporal, so x has shape (batch, time, features)

Assigning custom weights to embedding layer in PyTorch

Does PyTorch's nn.Embedding support manually setting the embedding weights for only specific values? I know I could set the weights of the entire embedding laye

How can I extract and store the text generated from an automatic speech recognition deep learning app

The app can be viewed in huggingface import gradio as gr from transformers import pipeline model = pipeline(task="auto

Instantiate Keras model with some weights before training

I have Keras model: pre-trained CV model + a few added layers on top I would want to be able to do model.predict before Q: how do I instantiate model

Can I perform non-text sequence classification in fastai?

I am trying to figure out if I can use fastai for my problem. I am trying to classify sequences of floats. Each sequence is a vector of 24 floats. In principle,

tensorflow Keras fitting value_error

I am new to tensorflow. i've tried to fit X and y both shape=8 float64 tensors X as feature set and y as target set. X = np.array([-7.0, -4.0, -1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 8

how can reslove : InvalidArgumentError: Graph execution error?

Hello guys i am a biggner at computer vision and classification, i am trying to train a model using cnn method with tensorflow and keras, but i keep getting the

Splitting an ONNX DNN Model

I'm trying to split DNN Models in order to execute part of the network on the edge and the rest on the cloud. Because it has to be cross-platform and work with

How can I use BERT for address matching problem?

I am building an address matching algorithm. The main problem is that previous models like Conditional Random fields (CRF)from Paserator and Averaged Perceptron

A simple distributed training python program for deep learning models by Horovod on GPU cluster

I am trying to run some example python3 code on databricks GPU c