I'm using a deep linking in my application and using this code in my SceneDelegate to segue to a view controller. func scene(_ scene: UIScene, openURLContexts U
I am working on a web application where I would like to enable UPI transactions between two UPI Ids (non-merchant UPIs) for non-business purposes. Example, tran
My widget has several links that the user can click, the link are set up as follows: Link(destination: URL(string: "widget://start")!) Now I am able to detect
Some windows apps like telegram, can open with custom schema url by browser. When I install telegram on my windows pc and enter tg:// in browser, It can maximiz
I am building app using react native, Expo SDK - 41 & react-native-navigation - v5 that serves items to the users How can I create links to be shared betwee
For example, i have case in my flutter app when user can recover his password. In that case user will receive link on e-mail, and i want by clicking on that lin
My app can be opened with deep link. When clicking a link in an email from the Outlook Android app, my app is opened. But, the Intent doesn't contain any catego
Actually, I'm developing an app on react-native 0.58 with react-navigation 3.1.5, and I can't make my app run properly. This is my code: app-navigation.js co
Actually, I'm developing an app on react-native 0.58 with react-navigation 3.1.5, and I can't make my app run properly. This is my code: app-navigation.js co
I am attempting to implement deep links within my Instant App, and keep running into issues that seem to be coming from something to do with the base applicatio
On a React-Native mobile app Linking.canOpenURL and Linking.openURL fail if the URL refers to an app screen, while it works when referring to an HTTPS URL. I su
I'm using branch.io SDK in my Android app and want to make my app a default handler for branch links on Android 6 as described here(Android guide) and here(Bran
My MainActivity manages the deep link this way override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) ... intent?.l
I have hosted assetlinks file into our domain https://ourdomain/.well-known/assetlinks.json And also verified this using https://developers.google.com/digital-a