Clicking 'Continue with GitHub' fails I am attending the Udemy course React - The Complete Guide (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux) I have followed the instructi
When i was deploying django app on vercel i got this error Error! Unable to find binary python3.8 for runtime python3.8 Error! Check your logs at https://kompu
I'm trying to deploy a django application but I keep getting this error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'django_project.wsgi' In fact, here's the full lo
when my github action tries to auto-deploy my quasar project to firebase, i receive the following error: [1] [1]: Error: S
I try to run the same react app on different URLs but for now without success. Description of the problem: I have a react app that works perfectly fine when run
I've built a project with Angular Universal with the command: npm run build:ssr Everything worked perfectly as I was able to visualize the result by using npm r
I'm using Okteto CLI version 2.2.1, MacOS Monterey (Macbook 2015). I've cloned and deployed their playground app and created the following Okteto configuration:
I have a parent folder named "app" and it has 2 children folders, "frontend" "backend" obviously both have different package.json files. In order to deploy it t
I am unable to deploy my React NextJS app of vercel. It gives the below error while clicking the deploy button : The repository "NetflixCloneReact" couldn't be
Am using IIS V7.5 with windows server for deploying Angular + .Net 4.5 fullStack application. Am using multiple instances at same site with different versions o
I am working on a react-weather application for self learning purpose. Deployed the same in gh-pages. URL Repo ht
I've changed my version in pubspec.yaml to 1.0.1+1 (from 1.0.0+3) flutter clean flutter build ios When I open [project]/ios/Runner.xcworkspace it still shows me
I deployed a react app on gh-pages. The problem is that the URL, like doesn't work. I'm running into a problem, because the a
I am deploying a django site for the first time to a cpanel server with phusion passenger on cloudlinux and i have discovered a weird phenomenon that can't be n
I have been using github actions for quite sometime but today my deployments started failing. Below is the error from github action logs Command: git Arguments:
I'm deploying Django in Google App Engine. I get 502 Bad Gateway and in the log I get the following error: 2021-03-08 12:08:18 default[20210308t130512] Traceb
Below is my terminal output. Is there something missing in my environment or is there a conflict with node versions? I'm using node v.10 but the repo is using n
I'm having difficulty getting my Rails application deployed on Heroku. I've seen numerous similar posts but none of the suggested solutions has worked for me. E
Introduction I have create an Angular Application and now I want to deploy it using ng build. Afterwards I changed into dist-directory and executed live-server
I have been trying to get my portfolio working on Github Pages with a custom domain, I have build everything with Sapper / Svelte. Locally everything works grea