Category "deserialization"

C# XmlSerializer de-serialize abstract class without knowing concrete class

I would like to deserialize xml where the root class is an Abstract class but the root node in the xml has a value of the XML root attribute in the concrete cla

Can I serialize a class by casting it to a char*

In C++, can I cast a class or some data to a void*, then to a char* to serialize it? If so, how would I de-serialize? I don't really care about portability. cla

Polymorphic deserialization of nested list object in Kotlin

Trying to deserialize a pretty complex json string, I've done simpler ones but am struggling with how to set this up. I've also found some examples on simple po

Convert two types into a single type with Serde

I'm writing for a program that hooks into a web service which sends back JSON. When a certain property isn't there it provides a empty object, with all its fie

Unable to load class exception during Kryo deserialization

I am using Kryo for serialization / deserialization and not registering classes beforehand (I am working on that). That said, upon deserialization, I am gettin

.NET NewtonSoft JSON deserialize map to a different property name

I have following JSON string which is received from an external party. { "team":[ { "v1":"", "attributes":{ "eighty_min_

InvalidDefinitionException while using JsonCreator with JsonProperty.Access.READ_ONLY

I'm getting InvalidDefinitionException when trying to use @JsonCreator along with @JsonProperty(value = "version", access = JsonProperty.Access.READ_ONLY) This

Newtonsoft Json Error converting value {null} to type 'System.Int32'

When performing an AJAX request I am getting the following error: Error converting value {null} to type 'System.Int32'. Path '[5].tabID', line 1, position 3

Deserialized Object Has All Values Set to Null

I'm trying to deserialize JSON into a custom object but all my properties are set to null and not sure what's going on. Does anyone see anything wrong? JSON Ex

LocalDateTime - deserialization with LocalDateTime.parse

I have the field initiationDate which serialises by ToStringSerializer class to ISO-8601 format. @JsonSerialize(using = ToStringSerializer.class) private Local