Category "desktop"

LiveChart.WinForms.CartesianChart scrollable

I am developing a C# WinForm application. I am using cartesianchart from LiveChar.Winforms.I want to do a scrollable graph. I added too many items on chart and

Flutter PDF Viewer for Linux desktop

I developing some kind of chat application with PDF viewing functions on Flutter for Android and Linux desktop platforms. So i want to embed PDF viewer in flutt

Docker for Desktop runs the Kubernetes - Ip address is not working

kubectl describe node docker-for-desktop This gets the IP address of Docker desktop for Windows. But we run it on browser with ip:nodeport it is not working.

How to center a component in MUI and make it responsive?

I don't quite understand the React Material-UI grid system. If I want to use a form component for login, what is the easiest way to center it on the screen on a

Get a List of Child Processes from Parent Process in C and C++ (Cross-Platform, No Command Line)

How to get a list of child process ID's from a given parent process ID in a cross-platform manner in C and C++ without using command line? I provided an answer

Keeping window visible through "Show Desktop"/Win+D

I'm creating a desktop gadget, and am running into problems. The window will be hidden by the "Show Desktop" command - STOP, I know what you're thinking and don