I have implemented custom object detector using YOLO for offline on CPU. When I run this command on CPU: !./darknet detector demo data/obj.data cfg/yolov4-obj.c
Do we need these files?, The Tensorflow Doc don't say anything about them
I have tried running this code for the OpenCV face detection and upon running it I get the error (AttributeError: module 'cv2.cv2' has no attribute 'CascadeClas
I'm using google colab and tensorflow 2.3.0 on a Ubuntu machine, and working through the example from here: Tensorlow2 Training Custom Model This is my code: !p
In order to deploy my own ssd-mobile model on android and use NNAPI acceleration , I retrained the model without NMS post processing according to the tensorflo
I am modelling utility strikes by excavators. I modelled excavator as a transporter with free-space movement. I have another agent called Utility. The populatio
I have images with white background and simple shapes in them (each image has one shape). I want to determine if a certain point (x,y) is inside the shape or no
I found that you need PHP 7 and MySQL 5.5 to use emoticons in a string that you want to upload to the database. I don't have these specification on my server s