Category "devops"

kubernetes ingress service annotations

I am setting up an ingress service following some k8s documentation, but I am not able to understand the following annotations: kubernetes.ip/ingress.class: ngi

Can't see reason for Compiling… Compilation failed: (Executor::NonZeroExitStatus)

Deploying on beanstalk. Using rails with webpacker. Compiling… Compilation failed: (Executor::NonZeroExitStatus) We can't seem to get anymore in

Whats the brief factual difference between Kubernetes, Helm and Rancher (and others) [closed]

As a new starter in the world of DevOps, I've tried to find a one-pager that explains side by side what each of the following technologies do

How do i setup Slack Notifications for Gitlab scheduled pipelines only?

I want to be notified via slack whether my scheduled pipeline runs are failing or passing. I also do not want a trigger every time the pipeline fails or passes,

How do i setup Slack Notifications for Gitlab scheduled pipelines only?

I want to be notified via slack whether my scheduled pipeline runs are failing or passing. I also do not want a trigger every time the pipeline fails or passes,

What is the correct way to setup multiple logically organized sub folders in a terraform repo?

Currently I am working on a infrastructure in azure that comprises of the following: resource group application gateway app service etc everything I have is in