Category "dialogflow-es"

Test Google Assistant is not connecting with my Dialogflow Webhook fulfillment

I have been building a simple chatbot in Dialogflow, and the las week I decided to test the chatbot in Google Assistant. I already tested the chatbot in Dialogf

How to find KnowledgebaseId in Dialogflow?

// const knowledgeBaseId = `the ID of your KnowledgeBase`; I can't seem to find the knowledgebase ID in Dialogflow nor in the Cloud Console. Please help.

I'm getting backend failure error in google smart home while accessing fulfillment URL provided in dialogflow webhook url

I'm getting backend failure error in google smart home while accessing fulfillment URL provided in dialogflow webhook url { textPayload: "SYNC: Request ID 15

Integrates SmartHome actions with Conversation in one App?

I want to integrate conversation actions and Smart Home Actions in a app. When call app will 2 options : Play a conversations game. Control light, pan,... A c

How to show the quick replies vertically in dialogflow

I'm working with dialogflow quick replies and i want to show the options to the user vertically. What i mean is, by default, the user will see the options side

Detect intent with DialogFlow SDK in preview mode so as not to affect any entities

How can I detect an intent while remaining idempotent and not have the possibility to change any contexts or entities? According to DetectIntent() as shown in t

How to use FLow XO and together in one bot

I have a question. Is it possible to use both flowXO and together and single-time in one bot? If so, how to implement it?

Google's dialogflow integration "dialogflow messenger" (beta)

I am trying to use dialogflow's integration called "Dialogflow messenger" (This isn't the interface to microsoft messenger). The integration is at beta stage, b

Is Google Dialogflow available in Hungarian?

Is Dialogflow available in Hungarian ? It is not a langage available in the official list in Dialogflow when you try to choose a langage. Thanks

Dialogflow - Firestore - Webhook call failed. Error: UNAVAILABLE, State: URL_UNREACHABLE, Reason: UNREACHABLE_5xx, HTTP status code: 500

I am trying for a fulfillment in Dialogflow using Firebase. There is data in Firestore and the intent is expected to retrieve the results based on the given par

Dialogflow using external API with Axios

To study, I'm trying to make a bot that, in response to a request, will send an image. Used waifu pics api ( just pictures. It sends the

Dialogflow log give me an JSON without commas in stackdriver

I'm working with dialogflow for creating chatbots, i want to recover all the messages and send them to bigquery, after i will link bigquery to datastudio to sho

Dialogflow Google Assisant breaks when followupEventInput has parameters

I successfully created a simple chatbot using Google Dialogflow and a webhook. The bot asks a user to enter their age. If their age is between 18 and 60, the

Dialogflow Google Assisant breaks when followupEventInput has parameters

I successfully created a simple chatbot using Google Dialogflow and a webhook. The bot asks a user to enter their age. If their age is between 18 and 60, the

Dialogflow v2 android sdk - Add QueryParameters to QueryInput

i'm actually trying to use Dialogflow v2 with java sdk in android. I can already make queries to dialogflow but I wanted to send some payload with my query. Be

Dialogflow v2 android sdk - Add QueryParameters to QueryInput

i'm actually trying to use Dialogflow v2 with java sdk in android. I can already make queries to dialogflow but I wanted to send some payload with my query. Be