Category "dictionary"

How can I explore a dictionary into a dictionary when im consuming an API. Example with PokeAPI

I'm trying to see the value of a key in a nested dictionary consuming an api. The code below iterate each pokemon in a the list of all pokemons and print some o

python dictionary remove duplicates with error of +-1

maybe someone can help me with this. I have a dictionary here: print("levels: \n", SPYlvl) {445: 8, 444: 6, 427: 6, 428: 4 } I want to remove keys with numbers

Create a dictionary from one key and list of tuples

I have a list of tuples. For example: L = [(334, 269, 461, 482), (182, 178, 307, 471),(336, 268, 466, 483), (183, 177, 304, 470)] The length of the list someti

How to avoid RuntimeError while call __dict__ on module?

it is appearing in some big modules like matplotlib. For example expression : import importlib obj = importlib.import_module('matplotlib') obj_entries = obj.__d

How to map key/value pairs of a "map" in JavaScript?

How to map key/value pairs of a "map" in JavaScript: var map = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}; alert(JSON.stringify(map)); I need to get an mapper containing key/

Multiple LineLayer Colour doesn't change in the ShapeSource

I have use the MapBox to draw multiple lines with different coordinate, So I use the ShapeSource layer and LineLayer for this, Currently I have take one ShapeSo

Map object not setting values after execution of function

I have a function below where the purpose is to parse multiple local csv files. For each parsed csv file, I then grab 1-5 random elements. Since the CSV parser

convert dictionary to abstract matrix in julia

I'm trying to do dimension reduction, and I got a: d = Dict{Tuple{String, String}, Vector{Float64}} Trying to apply umap on it. While umap can only accepts abs

Replace_na with map function

penguins %>% map(~replace_na(list(.=0))) Why the code above didnt work to replace na in the dataset penguins? The result is below # A tibble: 8 x 1 .

Python Dict append value if key value pair are same

I am new to python dict, and have question regarding append value to key. Sample python dictionary is like below. How can I append values if key-value pair, ID

Return keys from nested dictionary Python

I have a nested dictionary as such: {'needed1': {'notneeded': {'needed2': 'some_value'}, 'notneeded2': {'needed2': 'some_value'}, 'notneeded3': {'needed3: '

Java JsonPath: modify multiple JSON attributes at once

I am struggling to modify several JSON objects, while using the JsonPath library. I have a selector, that gets declared at runtime and a JSON file of unknown si

Ansible how to create list of dictionary keys

I am probably missing something simple. I have the dictionary in vars.yml deploy_env: dev: schemas: year1: - main - custom ye

how to convert the dictionary string to dictionary int?

A = {'1': '[1,2]', '2': '[3,4]', '3': '[5,6]', '4': '[7,8]', '5': '[9,10]' } B = {'1': '70', '2': '70', '3': '70', '4': '70', '5': '70' } How to convert this m

Check if a given key already exists in a dictionary

I wanted to test if a key exists in a dictionary before updating the value for the key. I wrote the following code: if 'key1' in dict.keys():

Convert pandas.groupby to dict

Consider, dataframe d: d = pd.DataFrame({'a': [0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], 'b': [2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2], 'c': [1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 2, 2]

Python dictionary, how can I create a key with a string and the actual key combined?

I hope this is a quite easy question, but for me without a lot of python background I can't find an answer. df = pd.DataFrame( {'Messung': ['10bar','10bar',

Get simplified dictionary from a dict of dicts with Ansible

I have the following data structure: site_subnets: control: { network: "", mtu: "1500", vm_start_offset: 0, dhcp_from_ip: "30", dhcp_to_ip: "5

How can i stack a seaborn kdeplot over a real map?

I've generated a seaborn kdeplot using latitude and longitude of a crime dataset of Chicago and I want to stack it over a real map of the city, which python lib

How can i stack a seaborn kdeplot over a real map?

I've generated a seaborn kdeplot using latitude and longitude of a crime dataset of Chicago and I want to stack it over a real map of the city, which python lib