Category "directory"

How to place a JSF flow in a subfolder?

I'm introducing a JSF Faces flow into my application. This works, following the oracle documentation. But, only in the root folder. Is it possible to place the

Creating a directory called 'con'

In the Ruby console, whenever I try to make a folder 'con', I get the following error: > FileUtils.mkdir_p('con/') Errno::ENOTDIR: Not a directory - con

Compute the size of directory in R

I want to compute the size of a directory in R. I tried to use the function, by unfortunably that follows the symbolic links so my results are biased:

Download whole folder from SourceForge

I need to download a project from SourceForge, but there is no easy visible way. Here, on this picture (linked down, not enough reputation), it is possible to

How to check if file is in folder and import it in Python

I am making a programming language in Python called Simpl-Py. I want to add the capability for users to create modules and import them into my language. Instead

Visual Studio: How to tell exe where to look for dll's?

I have a .lib included in my project (Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies) that makes my .exe build require a corresponding .dll to be provided with th

Project structure for PHP

I am new to PHP and want to know the directory structure for the php projects. I have experience in Java and in java we have src contains java source files, WEB

How to test a php login connected to a mysql db through xampp?

hello this is my first post on stackoverflow i am at beginner level at php, mysql and work on a php log in page connected to a mysql database which i did try to

How to create a folder in C

How can I create a new folder for an email manager, I have this code but It doesn't work. void create_folder() { int check; char * dirname; clrscr();

Remove empty folders (Python)

This is the folder tree: FOLDER\\ \\1\\file \\2\\file \\3\\ \\4\\file The script should scan (loop) for each folder in FOLDER and

How to open file in another directory in java?

How to open a file that is not present in the current directory but in another directory. For example, I have a folder F:/test and my file is in F:/test/test2/d

Django Import Error: No module named apps

I just checked out a project with git. The project structure is project apps myapp settings

Getting Downloads Folder in C#? [duplicate]

I have made some code that will search directories and display files in a listbox. DirectoryInfo dinfo2 = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\Users\Hunte

Is it possible to use "/" in a filename?

I know that this is not something that should ever be done, but is there a way to use the slash character that normally separates directories within a filename

JavaFX FileChooser and DirectoryChooser

I came across a little problem now with JavaFX. I tried to make a filechoosing in my code where I can point on a FOLDER instead of a file. Currently I don't hav

What is the correct way to setup multiple logically organized sub folders in a terraform repo?

Currently I am working on a infrastructure in azure that comprises of the following: resource group application gateway app service etc everything I have is in

How to know the folder size in a zipfile

I know that you can get the size in bytes of a file in a ZIP file using the .file_size method But is there any what I can get the size of a folder instead? Ex:

Listing all directories recursively within the zipfile without extracting in python

In Python we can get the list of all files within a zipfile without extracting the zip file using the below code. import zipfile zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(zipf

How to reliably open a file in the same directory as the currently running script

I used to open files that were in the same directory as the currently running Python script by simply using a command like: open("Some file.txt", "r") However,

How do I list all files of a directory?

How can I list all files of a directory in Python and add them to a list?