Is it possible to make a bot to automatically message people in my friends list or everyone from a specific server where i'm not an administrator? Where would i
How does one use Discord webhooks to post to a channel thread, not the channel itself? For example, I have a text channel called videos in which are a number of
I'm getting this warning in the terminal when running my bot code: (node:6220) DeprecationWarning: Passing strings for MessageEmbed#setFooter is deprecated. Pas
RuntimeError: Event loop is closed error when trying to run any bot in discord when connected to my wifi network. When connected to another network, everything
I keep getting this error. Everything is imported right and everything is installed. The code was working in atom and then all of a sudden I get this error. Eve
I want to use the avatar command using user id's/mentions. I was able to use mentions, however I am unable to use the user ids. Here is my current code: const D
I have tried so many things out, here's my current code var green = toString(msg.reactions.cache.get('🟩').count); var red = toString(msg
I'm trying to authenticate a user with Discord oauth2, then add this user to the guild. I'm also using Passportjs to authenticate the user, so the DiscordStrate
How would I go about making a coinflip embed command. What I want it to do is make a discord embed saying Coinflip | (Bot Name) as the header, then the field is
I am new to making Discord Bots using Discord API and python, and apparently my code is acting a bit strange since i added Databases, i have used replit for the
I am trying to run my discord bot but I get this error [12/4/2021, 2:06:02 AM] - [INFO] - [ShardManager] Started 1 shards [12/4/2021, 2:06:28 AM] - [ERROR] - co
I want to make my bot activity say "Watching + Member Count (not include bots)". I did some steps, here is my code: client.once('ready', () => { set
I tried to make an command which displays mentioned users avatar. This is the code: @client.command(aliases=['av']) async def avatar(ctx, *, member: discord.Mem
I tryed to make logs with admin`s activity how to specify the permission instead of these incomprehensible numbers @bot.event async def on_guild_role_update(bef
I don't know much about coding myself but I followed someone's video (specifically this video: on how to make embeds
To get channel I use Client.GetChannel(Bot.ChannelStatisticsID) To get message I use Channel.GetMessageAsync(Bot.MessageStatisticsID) How edit message?
How do I send one message per guild that my bot is in? It doesn't matter which channel it will be, but I don't know how to code it. I finally came up with that
I am using which has a similar API to called defectio. This is the documentation for the default help command
I am making a discord bot with on python 3.8.6. My other functions, such as on_ready and other commands, work. However, on_member_join is never calle
My bot got a 403 error, even though it never happened before, and the code hasn't changed at all. throw new DiscordAPIError(data, res.status, request);