Category "distinct"

Using Distinct in Aggregate Select query

I am using oracle DB. I have a Aggregated script. We found that some of the rows in the table are repeated, unwanted and hence, is not supposed to be added in

How to get distinct value and specific count from a query

Suppose I have the following table "Person": id name friends 1 matt jim 1 matt ray 1 matt ray 2 tim fry 3 sally jack 3 sally tim 4 matt harold I want to outpu

Why DISTINCT keyword is decreasing my search time and increasing performace in SQL Server

I am new to SQL and SQL Server and I am using SQL server 2012. but recently I encountered a weird thing while working with SQL server. I got that adding DISTINC

Find first record of multiple values in single query

Table timestamp | tracker_id | position ----------------------------------+------------+---------- 2020-02-01 21:53:45.571429+05:30 |

SQLite - SELECT DISTINCT of one column and get the others

I have a table like this (but with more columns): Code Quantity ----- -------- 00001 1 00002 1 00002