Category "django-views"

Django AuthenticationForm is not validating and not storing information in database

So basically I'm trying to do a simple login system using Django AuthenticationForm and LoginView. The form takes the user input and when the login button is pr

Django-registration - How to check if email exists in database

During registration currently when a user is entering an existing username and an email it is notified that this username already exists in database. When the u

Django. ''The `actions` argument must be provided when calling `.as_view()` '' when I try to allow DELETE, PUT, ETC

I have to allow delete and update requests from front for my objects of some model. I wish to delete instance and appropriate row in DB. I tryed to use info fr

How to find static files using regex in django in view?

I have django project that has a staticfile with the structure staticfiles/bundles/static/js/main.[hash of 8 random characters].js I want to get the name of mai

How to fix " TypeError: post_details() got an unexpected keyword argument 'slug' "

I'm creating my blog with django, and trying to make posts urls in slug way, after I created the models and called it in views it showed me this error: [TypeErr

Need to do POST method for the Nested serializers using django class Organisation(models.Model): """ Organisation model """ org_id = models.AutoField(unique=True, primary_key=True) org_name = m

how to change folder location to save file - DJANGO FileSystemStorage

so i want when i upload a file, the file will go to media/mp3 not media/txt. how to change save file location? def homepage(request): if request.m

TypeError: 'BasePermissionMetaclass' object is not iterable in django rest framework

i looked at other questions regarding this issue and their problems were in the REST_FRAMEWORK = ... values in file . is there any error in mine ? I

TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable int object in Django views function

Following is my code in, and HTML page. However, it returns me the error: TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable int object. urlpatterns = [

User account delete in django's rest

I want create view which can deactivation user's account. when i create view and send delete request i have error - > "detail": "You do not have permission t

Local Variable 'X' Referenced Before Assignment in Django Views

I am working with Django and trying to create two forms on one page which I am struggling with. I would like to know why I am getting the error "local variable

django get the value enside formvalid

I am trying to obtain the value of the val variable that is inside form_valid but I cannot obtain it. Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong? class Coti

In django after deleting the posts the post images are still in the directory

In django my posts are deleted but the files are not. I have a image field in the model which i want to deelete whenever the author deletes it. I'm using generi

file extentions in Django

I have created a file upload website where I want to allow users to upload files in pdf, ppt, doc, txt, and zip format. I am using the HTML form to upload files

Django: At the view level, can I add a 'noindex' header to a 'redirect' response?

I can use robots.txt, and I can use custom Django middleware, but I'd like to know whether this is something that can be done at the view level.

Testing Django FileResponse

I have a Django view that returns a file. The FileResponse is built for that purpose. However, I do not understand how to test this. Right now I use the HttpRe

How to display Foreign key Data in Django view page?

i have relation between Project and ProjectFloorPlan, and i want to display ProjectFloorPlan data in my template. Please let me know how i can display the Forei

How to display Foreign key Data in Django view page?

i have relation between Project and ProjectFloorPlan, and i want to display ProjectFloorPlan data in my template. Please let me know how i can display the Forei

Django: ProtectedError exception handling is not working

I am trying to handle ProtectedError exception and try to post a custom error message in my template. def delete(self, request, *args, **kwargs): obj = sel

Doing some processing locally before uploading

I am new to Django and doing a small project where the user logs into a Django powered website and can then upload some images. These images will need to have s