Category "django"

Replacement in python package in Docker

GraphQL is still not supported in Django 4, so to use it I need to change the line: "from django.utils.encoding import force_text" to "from django.utils.encodin

Django / Ubuntu 20 - How change to a previous version of GDAL

first of all, thanks for your help. I'm new to django, and I'm developing a site where you have to enter coordinates in some forms and then they should be edit

Url decoding problem on deployment with IIS and FastCGI on windows server

I realized an app front Angular, back-end Django, deployed on Windows server using IIS and FastCGI. This app serves media files on a certain URL. It works fine

When django load data to memory?

Lets have simple model: class NewModel(models.Model): json_data = models.JSONField(default=dict) Then lets get it: model = NewModel.objects.get(pk=1)

WARNING: autodoc: failed to import module 'upload_data_to_server' from module 'manual';

I'm trying to document a Django project using Sphinx's autodoc extension. I have two main problems: It's documenting excessivelly in some modules (importing doc

I want to assign value of logged in user's user_company to the user_company field of the newly created user

When a user creates a user record for a client, the new client should should have the current logged in user's User.user_company value. In the problem here, I w

Bokeh: Generate graph server side, update graph from JS client side (change data source, axes ...)

I just took Bokeh for a spin on a Django site. Lot of fine tutorials out there and really easy to get a quick example running. For example, I have a Django view

How to optimize the downlaod big file problem in Django?

My Django project gives a download interface as follows: def download_item_vector(request): return HttpResponse(np.load('item_vector.npy')) I want to retur

React app won't connect to django-rest database

I'm to update the frontend of this site it has a react frontend and a Django backend, auth is made with Django-rest-f

Testing UX with random IO?

So I've found a error in my UX that wasn't cought by test if I press besides a popup it goes into deadstate # they press ok btn = self.browser_adam.find_element

Is it possible to allow to create objects from the list_display view of the django admin site?

I have a model with fields name, roll_no, birth_date I am using the django admin's list display and list editable to have these fields displayed and edited in a

Django import-export how to handle blank Charfield

I'm trying to import some data with django import-export module. I'm having a problem and can't find any solutions to it despite the fact that it seems to be a

Using django-extensions to generate a model graph in PNG format using Windows 10 (without using Conda or Anaconda)

I am using django-extensions to generate a model graph for my Django application. My installation steps are the following: $ pip install django-extensions $ pip

Django can't login the superuser in admin page

So , I am trying to make an register and login system . I want to customize it using the custom user model , where I can save my data and extend the model. I am

Django google books API totalItems is changing

I am creating an application that retrieves data from the google books API. At the very beginning I download a number of books from JSON ["totalItems"] and iter

How to stop autopep8 not installed messages in Code

I'm a new Python programmer using the Mac version of VS Code 1.45.1 to create a Django project. I have the Python and Django extensions installed. Every time I

Django tries to write to a generated column

I've added GIN index to my db ALTER TABLE mtn_order ADD COLUMN textsearchable_index_col tsvector GENERATED ALWAYS AS (to_tsvector('english', coalesce(descr, ''

Django model default value in response

I want to have a default value in my django model response value Sample model query myModel.objects.filter().values("username", "user_gender") I want to have a

How to disable "HTML" tab in DRF Browsable API but keep "Raw" tab available

When using more complicated representation schemas (e.g. nested objects and lists), the "HTML" form part of the Browsable API in Django REST Framework becomes m

How to set max length on integerfield Django Rest

Okay so I need to have my field have a maximum of 10 integers allowed to be entered. I tried MaxValueValidator but I figured out that this just needs a value th