Category "django"

Reverse for `view` with arguments '('',)' not found. 1 pattern(s) tried: `[u'bms/update/(?P<id>[0-9]+)/$']`

This is my update view which I'm using to get pre-populated form. Although this is also not working. def update(request, id): item = get_object_or_404(Book

how can i make the field looks mandatory using HTML and CSS

I want to make a field mandatory but the *required in red color is coming below the field name which i want just beside to field name here is the HTML code &l

Django: list all reverse relations of a model

I would like my django application to serve a list of any model's fields (this will help the GUI build itself). Imagine the classes (ignore the fact that all f

Django pagination - nice urls

I did pagination in my django projet. Everything works just perfect, but my urls looks terrible, like host:8000/?page=1 How to create nice urls like host

Default value for foreign key in Django migrations.AddField

Using migrations, I need to add a new field (a foreign key) to a model. I know it can be done with: migrations.AddField( model_name='MyModel',

Register custom user model with admin auth

In a Django project, I have a custom user model that adds one extra field: class User(AbstractUser): company = models.ForeignKey(Company, null=True, blank

If statement on a Model.field

hopefully this is clear. I am trying to put together a view that takes care of what happens when a user places a bid on an active listing on the auction site I

How to assign items inside a Model object with Django?

Is it possible to override values inside a Model? I am getting 'MyModel' object does not support item assignment. my_model = MyModel.objects.get(id=1) print my

Can't run the server on Django (connection refused)

I finally (think) installed successfully PostgreSQL and also de psycopg2 (I use Windows). Btw, is some way to check it's working properly? Well, the thing now

Django websockets and channels group_send not working

I started looking into websockets and I would liek to implement realtime communication between web-client (Angular 13) and Python app. As backend I used Django

Getting Value of Selected Nav Pill

I'm trying to make a pair of nav pills to choose between a graphical and a tabular output for a set of data and I can't seem to figure out how to grab the value

How do I reset PYTHONPATH to "default" value in virtualenv?

I was struggling with installing dependencies for an external library (the requirements were already fulfilled) when I read that I should check if the install p

Equivalent of using if .. else as an expression in the Django Template Language

In Python, there are two ways to use if and else: either for Boolean flow control, in which case it is used with colons and indentation, or as an expression on

Django Static - Google Cloud Storage - CDN

I am still new with serving my Django static/media files to Google cloud storage. It's working now but I am not sure if this is right or is this enough already,

raise RuntimeError('You need to use the eventlet server. '

In my project, I created a app: the website_chat/ code: async_mode = 'eventlet' import os from django.http import HttpResponse import socketio ba

Django somehow accesses the static files even after i had deleted the whole static folder

I am new to Django, I had placed the static files in the project level static folder and even in multiple applications inside the app/static/app directory. Ever

command " startproject mysite" not recognized

EDIT: I added the path to to my system path (C:\Users\me\Downloads\Django-1.5.1\django\bin) but even after this when I try to run django-admin.p

how to use google login link to my login page using django-allauth?

I have created a project which is working nicely. I have a login page, signup page and profile page (as myspace). I just want to add an additional funtionality

request.FILES always empty on file upload

I am totally stumped on this, and must be doing something incredibly stupid. I am trying to simply upload a file on a Django project. The problem seems to be th

Running Django on Google Colab

I was trying to run the Django on Colab, by following the instruction here, however, after the !python runserver step, I tried to access the server