Category "docker-compose"

Docker : Error response from daemon: user declined directory sharing

While trying to run this command : docker-compose up I get this error : Error response from daemon: user declined directory sharing C:\Users\path_to_my_folder I

Docker Container not loading static files from Django-React Project

I've been trying to get my main.js file and css static files to load in my container and on google cloud for the past 4 days. Here is my file tree: main/ - fr

Sharing data between docker containers without making data persistent

Let's say I have a docker-compose file with two containers: version: "3" services: app: image: someimage:fpm-alpine volumes: - myvolume:/var/www

Run script in container from docker compose?

Trying to install some small packages into a container via compose w/out resorting to having to use my own dockerfile, but whether I try mounting just the folde

Docker-Compose Building back unable to prepare context: unable to evaluate symlinks in Dockerfile path

I have the following dir structure: . ├── docker-compose.yml ├── └── services ├─

How can I configure 2 docker compose files such that they use an existing service if it's already been pulled?

I frequently swap between different apps which use Docker, some of which are microservices that need to both be operational so I can't simply kill all of my con

docker-compose --context no output

docker-compose --context remote (up|dows|ps|...) doesn't do anything. although docker --context remote ps works, connects to the remote and lists the containter

I have a Java Spring boot with Postgresql within docker-compose, org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection to localhost:5432

Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection to localhost:5432 refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is acce

Failed to send HTTP request to schema-registry

I am trying to setup a local kafka-connect stack with docker-compose and I have a problem with my scala producer that's supposed to send avro messages to a kafk

dependencies reference nonexistent child node

I tried to dockerize my Wagtail Web Application and this error Occurred. I tried docker-compose build there was no errors. after that i tried docker-compose up

Permission denied when attempting to edit docker container files

I'm working on a Dockerized project which has an Adminer container. I need to increase the value of post_max_size found in /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/0-upload_la

Appwrite succesfullyu installed but a new directory isnt created

I have installed Appwrite. But a new directory conating the docker-compose.yml and .env has not been created. The terminal is giving a sucess message. Docker i

How to find valid FQDN value for my ambari agent

I am using this project : to run ambari on my local system The docker compose includes one server and o

postgres docker : role "root" does not exist

I am running docker-compose in Github-Action. docker-compose.yml has following service definition for postgres postgres: container_name: postgres imag

Getting failed loading params from .env vlucas/phpdotenv library required, but library is in

When I try to run my PHP Codeception test environment through Docker in my project, I get the following error: docker-compose run --rm codecept run ui_aut

How does Cosmos DB emulator SSL work in docker compose?

Is it possible to run Cosmos emulator as a docker container and use the instance in another container? I haven't been able to find anything that clearly explain

SonarQube Docker Installation CorruptIndexException: checksum failed

I'm trying to create docker container with SonarQube inside it, but I get this error while composing for the first time: Caused by: java.util.concurrent.Executi

docker-compose up failed - reading directory failed

I have a docker image which I wanted to bring up to run test automatically, the scripts are located at /opt/robotframework/tests Error occurred that docker cann

How to have docker compose init a SQL Server database

I have a docker compose file which creates a starts SQL Server. This is working fine. I can connect to the database and see the master database. What I am tryin

How to mount a bigger file to docker compose

The issue is as long as the file size is small: I could mount the volume and see it inside my container. But as the file size grows let's say 34MB, I can't see