Category "docker-compose"

postgres docker : role "root" does not exist

I am running docker-compose in Github-Action. docker-compose.yml has following service definition for postgres postgres: container_name: postgres imag

Getting failed loading params from .env vlucas/phpdotenv library required, but library is in

When I try to run my PHP Codeception test environment through Docker in my project, I get the following error: docker-compose run --rm codecept run ui_aut

How does Cosmos DB emulator SSL work in docker compose?

Is it possible to run Cosmos emulator as a docker container and use the instance in another container? I haven't been able to find anything that clearly explain

SonarQube Docker Installation CorruptIndexException: checksum failed

I'm trying to create docker container with SonarQube inside it, but I get this error while composing for the first time: Caused by: java.util.concurrent.Executi

docker-compose up failed - reading directory failed

I have a docker image which I wanted to bring up to run test automatically, the scripts are located at /opt/robotframework/tests Error occurred that docker cann

How to have docker compose init a SQL Server database

I have a docker compose file which creates a starts SQL Server. This is working fine. I can connect to the database and see the master database. What I am tryin

How to mount a bigger file to docker compose

The issue is as long as the file size is small: I could mount the volume and see it inside my container. But as the file size grows let's say 34MB, I can't see

Fetching nodes from external cluster failed - cross cluster replication on docker

I run two docker-compose file to run two instances of elastic search and kibana and tried to create corss cluster replication with it. Let's say the two instanc

Docker Builds Failing when running go get

All of my docker builds are getting this error when doing a go get. Unfortunately the error message isn't very helpful (or I am struggling to understand it)...

Problem about dockerizing a NestJS app with Prisma and PostgreSQL

I am trying to build a NestJS app with Prisma and PostgreSQL. I want to use docker; however, I got an error when I sent the request to the backend. Here is my d

docker-compose internal DNS server connection refused

Suddenly when I deployed some new containers with docker-compose the internal hostname resolution didn't work. When I tried to ping one container from the other

AWS ECS Cli vs Docker Context ECS Cli

I need to deploy an application in AWS using ECS Fargate. This application has multiple services and a docker-compose file. I see there are two main ways to do

Node.js x React x Auth0 - getting error 500 with docker-compose deployment

I'm creating a WebApp that has a React front end whose build is served by a node.js back end. There is some security implementation using Auth0 token validation

docker-compose container name use dash (-) instead of underscore (_)

I always used docker-compose on Ubuntu, in this environment containers are named with underscore: <project>_<service>_<replica> But now, I swi

Docker-Compose does not work on Windows Server 2022

I installed a new Windows Server 2022 and then followed the instructions to install Docker and Docker Compose on the Server. I also installed WSL and a Ubuntu2

Cannot start container: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:349

I am using docker on my CentOS Linux release 7.8.2003 (Core) with 16 GB RAM. My docker version is Docker version 19.03.7. Docker-compose version is docker-compo

Spring Boot JDBC microservices cannot connect to MySQL in docker

I have 2 Spring Boot microservices that need to connect to a MySQL service which itself is deployed in Docker. I'm using Docker Compose but for some reason they

Send data to Logstash in docker-compose environment

I've setup the ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana) by following this Github repo. Now I want to send data to logstash, for example specifying a pipel

Error io_setup() failed (38: Function not implemented) in Nginx for ARM M1

I have a docker container with nginx. I run it on a macbook with an M1 chip and get the io_setup error() failed (38: Function not implemented).

network_mode: service:<serviceName> not working correctly

I am trying to configure a docker-compose stack with a container that connects to a VPN, and another container that exposes an HTTP service which is reachable o