I am trying to run the following command in docker-composer, to start project with django-admin: docker-compose run app sh -c "django-admin startproject app ."
I have an existing Laravel project which I created with the following command. curl -s https://laravel.build/example-app | bash The project was created success
I'm trying to push containers to the Google Cloud Container Registry or the Google Cloud Artifact Registry on Windows 10 using the Google Cloud SDK. I'm getting
Seems like a basic issue but couldnt find any answers so far .. When using ADD / COPY in Dockerfile and running the image on linux, the default file permissio
I have been trying to bring up a Prometheus container using docker-compose file. I have looked into the various solutions available online and none of them seem
I'm trying to setup docker and I`m getting the following error: ERROR: Pool overlaps with other one on this address space What should I do to solve it,ple
I'm using Docker 19 on Windows 10 (using Cygwin to run Docker). I have this web/Dockerfile ... FROM python:3.7-slim RUN apt-get update && apt-get inst
I am trying to set on my Raspberry Pi cluster (4 nodes) 3 WordPress replicas and 1 database. That works, but when I'm trying to enter in WordPress every time I
I am trying to build a docker image for php, which can handle database dumping in my mysql container. The problem is that it seems to install the mariadb versio
We are running puppeteer with docker and whenever it get a new request to run the script we are getting the following error: Failed to connect to the bus: Faile
When I'm running Docker Compose up, I receive an error ** (Mix) The task "phx.server" could not be found Note no mix.exs was found in the current directory I b
Hello currently I get in touch with Docker. I am doing their getting started and I ran into a problem which I cant solve and I dont understand why it dont work.
Im trying to setup Webpack to run with docker. I'm looking to put it in its own container, build the files and then nginx will serve that produced code on its c
I've started DynamoDB in Docker: docker run --network xxx --name dynamodb -d -p 8000:8000 amazon/dynamodb-local I've created a table: aws dynamodb create-table
I create Laravel PHP application in Docker. First I setup Laravel app using laravel new laravelDockerApp it creates successfully.I verify
For clarification, when I say base image, I mean the parent image that has all the common configurations, so that the children based on it don't need to downloa
I am using adoptopenjdk/openjdk11:alpine-jre base image for java and trying below instruction inside my Dockerfile, RUN wget -O dd-java-agent.jar "https://repos
I am using docker for windows and I noticed my c drive was getting full. When i looked I noticed that there is 15 gb of data here: Docker/windowsfilter. I use d
I'm not referring to more sophisticated debugging techniques, but how to get access to the same kind of error messages that are normally directed to terminal ta
my docker builds started failing today and I can't seem to figure out exactly how to fix it. Compiling locally is still working. When I try to create a containe