Category "docker"

How to run Docker with python and Java?

I need both java and python in my docker container to run some code. This is my dockerfile: It works perpectly if I don't add the FROM openjdk:slim #get pyth

Run docker build - Cant not found docker file

This is how I try to make use of Github Actions in relation to the project being built in Docker. I have look on this site here: How do I specify the dockerfile

Install node_modules inside Docker container and synchronize them with host

I have the problem with installing node_modules inside the Docker container and synchronize them with the host. My Docker's version is 18.03.1-ce, build 9ee9f40

Repository name must be lowercase

I’m a student and I’m studying in GitHub Actions with using Docker. When I build and push codes at GitHub, there was a problem. the problem is below

How to expose docker images as containernet hosts in ONOS GUI?

I am trying to run the file (where I modified the 2 docker image hosts with my docker images) with ONOS as the controller for my topolog

laravel-websockets in production with reverse proxy and docker cannot establish connection

I am using laravel-websocket successfully in local and staging environment. However, when in production, I get the error WebSocket connection to '<URL>' f

[VS2019/2022]How exactly {ServicePort} in the Docker-Compose project works and can be configured?

How to use other service in the Docker-Compose to be paired with the {ServicePort}? I only want a web-server(like Nginx) service to be exposed. How can I point

How to install apt-get and debian packages on busybox

I've recently download the busybox image from dockerhub busybox:glibc - Debian, and notice that apt-get is not available on this distribution. I tried to instal

Docker Error bind: address already in use

When I run docker-compose up in my Docker project it failes with the following message: Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address a

How can I run a docker container on localhost over the default IP?

I'm following the following tutorial on how to start a basic nginx server in a docker container. However, the example's nginx docker container runs on localhost

Volume odoo. Permission issue

Ubuntu 18.04. I am using odoo docker files docker-compose: version: '3.7' services: web: build: ./build # image: odoo:13.0 # user: root depen

Postgresql/Docker - password authentication failed for user "user"

I have set database with postgresql and docker, now when I want to access to my database I have this connection error saying password authentication failed for

Karma Chrome Headless not working on Jenkins

When I run the below setup with Docker locally on my mac everything works fine. But same setup does not work on Jenkins running on Ubuntu 16.04 ChromiumHeadle

How to automate installation of missing GPG keys on Linux

I've been working with Linux containers for several years. I am surprised that I wasn't able to find a thread about this question. Scenario: I've just added a n

docker - how do you disable auto-restart on a container?

I can enable auto-restart with --restart=always, but after I stop the container, how do I turn off that attribute? I normally run a webserver and typically map

Could not create account on Rancher?

I'm having problems with creating an account on Rancher. When creating a new account I get the following error: Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook

WSL2 (docker) ports are not openend on host

When I run an image through docker in WSL2, the ports are not published on the host machine. Why is this? What can I do to make this work?

Using Docker to launch web app, can't connect to Postgresql DB?

I received the following error when trying to write session data using Tomcat's PersistentManager to a Postgres DB running on my local machine: SEVERE: A SQL

docker-compose with multiple postgres databases from sql dumps

I know this may seem like a duplicate of docker-compose with multiple databases, but I still can't manage to get it working after going through the answers. He

'clear' doesn't clean the screen when I run docker on Windows Command Prompt

I am using docker on windows with an Ubuntu Image. Everything is just fine on docker itself, but when I run one of those images, whenever I try to clean the scr