Category "docker"

docker-compose - using a DockerFile or an official image

docker-compose has two ways to launch containers - one is to build from a DockerFile using the build declaration and the other is to build from an image using t

ssh-agent forwarding into docker-compose environment is not working

I have been having serious troubles to get ssh-agent forwarded into the docker container (with my docker-compose installation). I have Mac running Catalina, wit

Docker & Selenium-Java :- Unable to upload Image/file in chrome browser running on a docker container

I running selenium testcases with a remote driver on a docker container. I want to upload files to a chrome browser running on a conatiner. I have tried the fol

Docker unable to find file in Alpine Linux container

I have an application I'm creating a docker image for, the image is created but when I run it the container errors saying it cannot find the executable file. He

Laravel-mix-criticalcss in Docker cannot read property 'content-type'

I'm trying to set up laravel-mix-criticalcss in a Docker container and I'm getting an error. Has anyone come across this before? Error [webpack-cli] TypeError:

Site does not open when Nginx Proxy Manager "Force SSL" option is active

I have cloudflare + docker + nginx proxy manager + portainer setup for normaly ssl connection. I am just starting to use these technologies together. What I wan

non-iterable ellipsis in Flask_Restful parser.parse_args()

I've come back to a project I worked on previously, utilising flask RESTful, though whenever I attempt a post request the line args = parser.parse_args() breaks

Change default volume mount point for docker rootless?

I saw this post with different solutions for standard docker installation: How to change the default location for "docker create volume" command? At first glanc

Cannot connect to docker daemon in intellij in ubuntu with snap

In Intellij Ultimate docker is not detected automatically. I choose "create new", but i get the message, that i cannot connect to docker daemon at unix /var/run

Could not connect to MLFlow model hosted on Docker

I hosted a model inside a docker container. On running the DockerFile, It runs the following command: mlflow models serve -m model --port 8080 --no-conda It ser

Running test with testcontainers as part of a Dockerfile

My dockerfile looks something like this: FROM maven:3-jdk-11-slim COPY pom.xml . COPY src src RUN mvn clean install That means that part of the build is the

Don't use layer cache, but do use mount-cache when using docker+buildkit

When using buildkit, using the docker cli frontend, I sometimes do not want to use layer-cache, but do want to rely on the newer mount-cache type. RUN --mount=

Connect WSL2 SQL Server localhost instance from Windows 10

I had setup a WSL2 Ubuntu. Now I am running a local SQL Server instance on the 1401 port using Docker. Container port:>1433/tcp I would like

Install libmysqlclient-dev along with npm in dockers

I have an error when trying to install the libmysqlclient-dev package together with npm for some reason when installing libmysqlclient-dev it removes npm Step 1

Docker Portainer 'failed copying supplied certs: File doesn't exist'

I'm trying to run the portainer docker with tls. This is my docker command: > docker run -d -p 9443:9443 -p 8000:8000 \ > --name portainer --restart a

Error [ERR_PACKAGE_PATH_NOT_EXPORTED]: Package subpath './lib/parser' is not defined by "exports" in /usr/app/node_modules/postcss/package.json

Did a docker-compose up to build my project, but there's something wrong and I am getting this error: node:internal/errors:464 ErrorCaptureStackTrace(err);

Could not find 'Use Docker Compose V2' check box to disable v2

I could not run the containers and got this message: Docker Compose is now in the Docker CLI, try docker compose up ERROR: An HTTP request took too long to comp

Proxy pass to a sub directory using nginx

I've got 2 Docker instances running, 1 being an SPA React app client and the other one is NodeJS api. I want to setup Nginx on my Ubuntu server to handle reques

GitHub Actions - Specify Multiple Tags with docker/build-push-action@v2

Is there a way to specify multiple tags when using docker/build-push-action@v2? I tried specifying multiple tags separated by a space or comma and they both fai

How to add bearer token for prometheus job

I have started working on the Prometheus for my microservices. I was able to achieve it initially. Now, it's time to push the actuator endpoint under the spring