Category "duplicates"

How to not return duplicates when comparing records in same table (A:B and B:A)

I have been stuck with this problem for a while now and can't resolve it, would greatly appreciate some guidance I am comparing records in a persons table to se

I need first 2 occurrences of duplicate id in the output(image attached) using sql

want first 2 occurrence of duplicate ID'S in the output, desired output in image attached. Please help

Duplicate Primary Key while doing latteral flattening in SNOWFLAKE

I am kind a new with working with arrays in SNOWFLAKE database. I am trying to load data into dimension tables in SNOWFLAKE database using merge statement where

How to not remove but only print multiply rows from CSV file using a awk?

i have the following code awk -F, '{key=$1 FS $2 FS $3} NR==FNR{a[key]; next} !(key in a)' dubl.txt original.txt which checking for duplicates in multiply colu

Remove duplicate entries from string array column of postgres

I have a PostgreSQL table where there is column which has array of strings. The row have some unique array strings or some have duplicate strings also. I want t

python dictionary remove duplicates with error of +-1

maybe someone can help me with this. I have a dictionary here: print("levels: \n", SPYlvl) {445: 8, 444: 6, 427: 6, 428: 4 } I want to remove keys with numbers

In Python, how do I find duplicates in a sequence and collect them in a list? [duplicate]

I was not allowed to answer How do I find the duplicates in a list and create another list with them? but I think my solution is worth it. So,

In Python, how do I find duplicates in a sequence and collect them in a list? [duplicate]

I was not allowed to answer How do I find the duplicates in a list and create another list with them? but I think my solution is worth it. So,

Output how many duplicates in an array

I'm looking to output the number of duplicates for each int in an array e.g. the array 1,2,3,4,1,1,3 would output 1:3, 2:1, 3:2, 4:1. at the moment no matter ho

Remove Duplicates from sorted list not passing all testcases

This is a question on leetcode. For some reason my code only works for 7/164 test cases. i would like to know why my algorithm is not efficient. what is a solut

Pandas - Duplicate Rows and Slice String

I'm trying to create duplicate rows during a dataframe on conditions. For example, I have this Dataframe. students = [ ("a", "Ursula"), ("b", "Hayfa, Ma

Python Duplicated attributes in XML file

I am new programming Python, and I cant figured out to solve my issue :(. I would like to know it there is a way to list all the duplicated information on an XM

Excel VBA code error type mismatch using worksheetfunction to find duplicates

I get a Type Mismatch Error "13" with the below code. Can anyone assist with where I'm going wrong with my VBA syntax and use of variables. If Applicat

How to find and delete all duplicates from SQL Server database

I'm new to SQL in general and I need to delete all duplicates in a given database. For the moment, I use this DB to experiment some things. The table currentl

How to get the NA rate by column in Tableau Desktop?

I try to get a simple thing with Tableau, the % of null value by column of my dataset. But each time I put my dimensions on my columns it displays all of possib

Remove duplicate combinations in R [duplicate]

I am using R and I would like to remove combinations in a data.frame. Unique function does not seem to do the job. a b c 1 1 4 A 2 2 3 B 3

Fastest way to remove duplicates in a list without importing libraries and using sets

I was trying to remove duplicates from a list using the following code: a = [1,2,3,4,2,6,1,1,5,2] res = [] [res.append(i) for i in a if i not in res] But I wou

sqlite mark duplicates with true or false

I need to create a new column in my dataset (duplicate_name) that contains TRUE if there are more than one record for someone or FALSE otherwise. I found this c

remove duplicates from 2d lists regardless of order [duplicate]

I have a 2d list a = [[1, 2], [1, 3], [2, 1], [2, 3], [3, 1], [3, 2]] How can I get the result: result = [[1,2],[1,3],[2,3]] Where dupli

Mergesorting and Removing Duplicates in C (Any language will work)

This is my first question so I apologize in advance if I leave anything out or am ambiguous on an item. Anyway, this is code I got form (arr