Category "eclipselink"

JPA-Eclipselink caching nested tables (entities)

I am using Java JPA-Eclipselink persistence (v2.6.9) in combination with Apache Tomcat Web Server. I am fetching from database large amount of data from nested

@OnetoOne Cascade in eclipselink perform multiple updates overrides updated value to existing in DB

Below is the parent table dto which has requestStatus as IN_PROGRESS which gets updated to DONE on updating child table as below: @OneToOne(cascade = CascadeTyp

Nested ID class required to be named like relationship, even though not being a derived identifier?

There's chapter 10 in the book "Pro JPA 2 in Java EE 8", section called "Multiple Mapped Attributes", there the well-known department-project example using @IdC

The class 'javax.persistence.Convert' is required to be in the selected libraries

When selecting a user library as the JPA implementation in Eclipse Dali's project settings, the following error message is displayed: The class 'javax.persi

Can't launch Payara Micro from payara-micro-maven-plugin, getting "unsupported JDK"

I put together a sample project to demonstrate the issue I'm having. Basically, I'm trying to launch my a

JPA ERROR: relation does not exist

I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm learning JPA mapping to a relational DB, by following some tutorials on the web, but can't find one that is straigh

How can we enable many to many relationship through a JSF page using Netbeans?

Used a simple InnoDB MySQL database (many to many relationship between WRITER and FORUM, and a join table named writer_forum) in Netbeans 7.1 and created a Java