Category "ecmascript-6"

Are TemplateObject arrays for tagged template literals weakly referenced by their realm?

while (c) { tag`str0 ${e} str1` } The JavaScript runtime creates a frozen array like Object.freeze(['str0 ', ' str1']) but with an additional .raw property.

Storing React form data in a nested object with useState

I'm building out a form with React, and I want to store the form fields in an object with nested data like this: { name: "Test User", email: "[email protected]

Jest : TypeError: require(...) is not a function

The application is written by React with ES6 so import and export statements are used inside the application. So Jest is configured to work compatible with ES6,

Can I set the filename of a PDF object displayed in Chrome?

In my Vue app I receive a PDF as a blob, and want to display it using the browser's PDF viewer. I convert it to a file, and generate an object url: const blob

es6 import for side effects meaning

I was reading the es6 import statement reference on MDN. The syntax: import "my-module"; will import an entire module for side effects only, without importin

What is the purpose of the script scope?

When inspecting scopes of a function in the DevTools console I noticed a "script" scope. After a bit of research it seems to be created for let and const variab

super keyword unexpected here

According to ES6 shorthand initialiser, following 2 methods are same: In ES5 var person = { name: "Person", greet: function() { return "Hello " + thi

How to deploy app to Heroku if you use Babel and ES6?

I am wrecking my head trying to deploy the app to Heroku. The problem is that I am using ES6 with Babel. I've found many articles about that but none of them

How to detect when the div element width change (not window resize) in JS?

I have a scenario, if div element width changes, i need to perform some functionality. So is there any way to detect that element width changes (not window resi

How to know when all Promises are Resolved in a dynamic "iterable" parameter?

My problem is that I don't know how to know when a dynamic promise array has all the promises resolved. Here an example: var promiseArray = []; promiseArray.p

MUI next Tooltip does not show on hover

I use Material-UIv1.0.0-beta.34 Tooltip with Checkbox and FormControlLabel, actually when I hover to the label on Checkbox in one case the tooltip shows as expe

How do I set multiple values in a Javascript Map at once?

I have a simple chain of logic here, where bigCities is a Javascript Map. In this example, d represents each object in an array of data read in from a csv file.

Expected to return a value in arrow; function array-callback-return. Why?

I'm having some issues understanding why I'm getting a compile warning on this piece of my react code fetch('/users') .then(res => res.json())

ecmascript 6 syntax for declaring prototype default values using Class

When creating classes in javascript, you can set a default value by accessing the function's prototype. function Foo() { } Foo.prototype.get = func

Is it possible to stop prettier from adding an extra tab for .then() {} statements after Promise.try?

So, I was wondering if it is possible to stop prettier from adding an extra tab for .then() {} statements after Promise.try or just simple return PromiseFn() .t

Export default was not found

I have a Vue 2 project, and I've written a simple function for translating months in dates, which I would like to import in one of my components, but I'm gettin

Is the Immediately-Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) pattern really necessary when writing userscripts?

My question is quite similar to What is the purpose of a self executing function in javascript?, however it concerns userscripts (specifically for GreaseMonkey)

Property 'entries' does not exist on type 'ObjectConstructor'

I'm working on an ng2 implementation. I'm using the following function call to convert an object to an array: var authors = Object.entries(responseObject.Author

Capitalize the first word (or optionally all the words) of a sentence in angular 2+

I am trying to capitalize words of a string in the angular 2 template (aka view) but I get the following error in the console and the application does not load

Stuck with eslint Error i.e Separately, loops should be avoided in favor of array iterations

I have the Code for some iterations and it works well. After installing eslint, One of my code generates an error by eslint. My code is: for (const column of