Category "eksctl"

AWS System Manager GetParameters permission being implicitly denied

I am trying to setup eksctl for eks but it throwing "Error: unable to determine AMI to use: error getting AMI from SSM Parameter Store: AccessDeniedException: U

EKS Anywhere Cluster cert-manager io-timeout

First time trying EKS Anywhere docker provider deployment as given in below link It g

Creation Amazon EKS cluster using eksctl could not find any of authenticator

I try to create new Kubernetes cluster on Amazon EKS using eksctl script. I created IAM user with this permissions : when i try to create it I have this error

How to set cpu_manager_policy to static in eks managed nodegroup.?

Hi i have been trying to do cpu pinning in my eks cluster. i have used amazon linux latest release, and my eks version is 1.22 . i have created a launch templat