is it possible to subtract a number that metric outputs from predefined number in Kibana? Eg I have a number that one of the metric produces (num of events), an
I'm currently setting up a machine learning job to detect rare events for host names. However I get the following error on the validation page of the job: Job V
I am using python with ecs_logg It output to a file. Then I am having a logstash r
I have few documents with array "items" , i want to only pick those documents where "" is equal to "red". If there is any document with one red and an
I've been stuck in a problem for 3 days now..I am trying to alert on new IP address but the format of log file is not helping me so I've used a pipeline to par
I've setup the ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana) by following this Github repo. Now I want to send data to logstash, for example specifying a pipel
Currently, Getting result based on scoring but what i want to do is i want a result based on scoring + Field Status with value true/false. If value is true th
I'm having a hard time to find the scripts where the logo is defined (navbar logo, startup, login logo ...). I've been looking around for ways to change the log
Currently from my application server (linux) the below is the format of the command that I use to connect to Elastic search which runs on a different server (li
I'm trying out the Elastic Cloud 14 days free trial. I deployed Elastic cloud following the video tutorial. I set my password. However, I don't remember putti
I followed up this blog to start ELK stack from docker compose file but used version 8.1.2. It is not running successfully elastic search don't authorize Logst
I have deployed ECK (using helm) on my k8s cluster and i am attempting to install elasticsearch following the docs.
I have two different collections as shown in table: T-shirt having fields [Size, ID] Brand having fields [Name, ID] I need to search for only small sized T-shir
I'm trying to disable date_detection on a set of fields in an index. Below is the mapping { "my-index" : { "mappings" : { "properties" : { "
I am trying to setup elastic apm for nodejs application. I followed the example explained in integration page of elk. var apm = require('elastic-apm-node').sta
I am trying to create an index template with two patterns, my questions are Can I add two patterns in the template? Or the only way is to create an index templa
I'm trying to index a 12mb log file which has 50,000 logs. After Indexing around 30,000 logs, I'm getting the following error [2018-04-17T05:52:48,254][INFO ]
i'm trying to install elk and filebeat on docker, well i uploaded the image of elk and it worked i can go to the kibana dashboard and view elastic ,... Now I wa
Lets say I have 100 records in index1 and 10 records in index2. And I want to get like this: select * from index1 where id not in (select id from index2) Can