Category "electron"

How to package an electron app for "darwin-x64" on an Mac M1/Apple Silicone (arm64)?

Hi Electron Enthusiasts! How do I package an electron app for "darwin-x64" on an Mac M1/Apple Silicone (arm64)? It is definitely possible, since a month ago I h

How can Electron communicate with its Angular-Frontend?

I'm running an Angular Frontend within a frameless Electron-Window. Because the window is frameless, I need to implement the minimizing/maximizing/unmaximizing/

Debugging an electron app in Visual Studio Code

Could I please ask for help with the following? I have an electron app (basically the quick start app so very very simple). I am viewing the code with Visual St

One ipcMain.on() works in the same file while the other doesn't work?

I am developing an app using Electron and vue. I use this solution to communicate between main and render, so I have three files, preload.js , main and renderer

ElectronJS - sharing redux store between windows?

I have an electron app based on electron-react-boilerplate. Now, that I have one window running as I wanted it to run, I started to create a new window. I cur

How to save MediaRecorder Web API output to disk using a stream

I am experimenting with the MediaStream Recording API within Electron (therefore Node.js) and wish to handle the output as a stream. Handling as a stream would

Load local files into iframe in Electron app

I'm building an app with Electron that lets you preview HTML5 banner ads stored locally on your machine. So far, I have made it possible to select a directory c] Passthrough is not supported, GL is disabled in Cypress

After updating cypress to 8.6.0, the following error message started appearing when I run the test cases --headless.] Passthrough is not

How do I get selenium to open my electron app?

I'm attempting to setup Selenium to test my electron app. So far I have the code from the Electron documentation, however, this only opens the HTML file, not my

How to Change ElectronJS App default Icon?

I am new to electronjs. I want to convert an angular app to desktop. I could achieve it successfully but the problem is that the app icon is set to default elec

React router, redux, electron: router isn't rendering

I'm trying to get react-router to work in an electron app. I'm using a boilerplate and stripped away some of the stuff I don't want but that should provide a pr

Electron Js Venurability

From last few days I am facing an issue with Electron JS. That is whenever I install electron it says that some venerability is there. I want to fix it, I have

Setup p5.js in Electron

I am trying to use p5.js in a electron desktop app. I tried using templates from github but it didn't work I tried setting up my self it didn't work either. Her

Can't succeed in making transparent window in Electron (javascript)

I am trying to make a transparent window with ElectronJs but I obtain a black background. I am on Linux (Debian Jessie) I have tried different versions : late

How to make the dev tools not show up on screen by default in Electron?

I am using electron-react-boilerplate to create an Electron-React app. The dev tools show up on the screen by default. How can I make the dev tools only appear

contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld and IPC with Typescript in Electron app: Cannot read property 'send' of undefined

I defined contextBridge ( ) in preload.js as follows: const { contextBridge, ipcRenderer } = require("elec

No app icon in windows 10 native notification header in Electron

The place for the icon is empty. The application itself has it, and everything is fine with the title too Code function showNotification () { new Notification

electron how to create delta file

I use electron-builder to build my app and succeed to build the first version which contains three outputs: foosetup.exe, foo-0.0.1-full.nupkg and RELEASES.Now

Electron-builder (NSIS): do not ask about deleting data on reinstall (cannot distinguish reinstall and uninstall)

I use Electron-builder (of version 22.14.13) to create installer for our app (Windows). I needed to create custom installer, so when user uninstalls the app the

Vuejs String formatting not working correctly

Hi am trying to style a div dynamically in VueJs.But facing this problem that the this.currentProgressLevel is not applied to the width property inside the curr