Category "elementor"

WordPress deprecated issue

My website is showing this error: Deprecated: WP_User_Query was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 5.9.0! who is deprecated. Use capabilit

Open Lite Speed + Elementor not save changes

since i've jumped from apache to open lite speed and started to use OLS cache i have problem with Elementor. I'm creating something in elementor (can be block,

Elementor White Screen of Death and JSON ERROR

I need your help. I am using elementor on my website for editing a WordPress website, but lately, I have been having a problem when it comes to loading it up fo

Disable VERTICAL Scroll only

Bonjour amis développeur ! , Since yesterday i'm blocking to block a vertical scrolling of my site but just the vertical, i create a slider with parallax

Get WooCommerce products from specific category

I am trying to insert a WooCommerce element to display "products" (courses) from a specific category into a page. I had also to hide these products for this spe

Background video sound on Elementor

I want the background video to make sound on my website when opening. I'm using Elementor and the video link is from youtube but no sound option is available.

How does a background photo crystallize when the mouse hovers over the title hover in my custom elementor element?

I want to write a special css for an element in the elementor plugin How does a background photo crystallize when the mouse hovers over the title hover? I wrote

Q: How to override the Elementor's function in function.php?

I want to write a new code to override original function: For Exsample ori code: elementor-pro/modules/posts/skins/skin-cards.php class Skin_Card

Can i make tree graph where button means leaf?

id like to do something like tree graph with buttons. Idk how to explain my idea so ive created image. I build my website via Elementor. Is it even possible ple

Wordpress Elementor: Expand/Collapse on hover on accordion

I am using wordpress with the elementor add on. Though it provides very sleak accordion which works perfectly on click, I wanted to expand/collapse the accordio

WordPress Security Standards want me to escape my html, but how to do it correctly?

I'm trying to build a custom Elementor Widget ( In the render() function, I can put the HTML thats bein

How to modify CSS in a specific page of the WP admin dashboard (backend)

I'm trying to remove both padding and the title of the dashboard page of the admin panel of WordPress. The dashboard was redesigned with the "Welcome Dashboard

Elementor header and footer disappear after activating WPML plugin

everyone. I installed and activated WPML plugin for multi-language. But after activating it, my elementor header and footer disappeard. I tried to find the solu

Hide/unhide section after form submit. Elementor

i want to create a confirmation form on elementor using elementor form but the next section it can shown depends on the user select the button. i.e if i choose

Expanding animation on click

I'm facing a problem right know about css & javascript animations, let me explain, I have two columns with a box of information and a button to "see more" o

Fix CSS to add icon to Elementor Menu

I uploaded icons to my menu using class and css code (Wordpress + Elementor), but I can't remove the space between the icon and the text. Used the following cod

403 Server Error when adding Javascript to page using HTML Widget in Elementor

Using the HTML widget in Elementor Pro, I add a javascript tag to the page, hit update, and get a 403 error. The javascript is a dynamic, simple sign up form

Wordpress - Elementor custom widgets - conditional controls

I'm creating my first elementor widget. I need to create 3 conditional controls: Select a (custom)post_type -> select a taxonomy belonging to the respective

Elementor + Woocommerce Checkout Page is saving customer info in the checkout forms. How do I fix this?

I have updated all of my Wordpress plugins and I'm using the Hello Elementor theme as recommended. In Chrome all of the information is saved in the forms, and i