Category "email"

Connection refused when trying to send mail using postfix

I want to use the mail() function in PHP. In order to do that, I've installed postfix. I am running on Ubuntu 18.04. My problem is that I can't send mail as I h - How to find outlook mail attachment by ContentId Property

I can find email attachment from a MailMessage by ContenId like the following code : System.Net.Mail.MailMessage objNewMail = null; System.Net.Mail.Attachment

How to attach file to an email with nodemailer

I have code that send email with nodemailer in nodejs but I want to attach file to an email but I can't find way to do that I search on net but I could't find s

Creating responsive images side-by-side in e-mail using plain HTML

I am attempting to include two images as a header in an e-mail, using pure HTML. One image will cover 40% of the screen width, and the other 60% width (the heig

How to send utf-8 e-mail?

how to send utf8 e-mail please? import sys import smtplib import email import re from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIM

Mac Terminal Sending Email With Attachment

I'm trying to make a bash script that will send an email to all contacts which will contain a message and an attachment. This is not for malicious purposes. Ho

How can I send mail with rails without a template?

In my Rails 3 project, I want to send some simple notification emails. I don't need to make a template for them or do any logic. I just want to fire them off fr

Connect Office 365 use POP3 - PHP

I have a trouble with Office 365 use POP3 method. Currenty, I can't connect to this server: port:995 This is my code exampl

Using user inputted email for JavaScript firebase

I am following this guide: They have hardcoded strings as the email and password. How can I get th

Regex to find or extract strings between the "<>" angle brackets

In the following string, Jason <[email protected]> how can I extract the part inside the angle brackets? I tried <\w> and it didn't work. Ideas

How to get SMTP address for exchange user quickly?

The below is my code, the PrimarySmtpAddress use 50ms which need more than 15 s to load more 300 users. I am not familiar with Outlook API, and it seems this Pr

Sending an SMTP email in Dart

I looked through the API documentation and language guide, but I did not see anything about sending emails in Dart. I also checked this google groups post, but

How to add icons to emails in Outllook?

While Folder.SetCustomIcon can be used to customize folder icons, the only thing related to icons for messages seems to be the deprecated (and basically undocum

Get body text of an email using python imap and email package

I want to retrieve body (only text) of emails using python imap and email package. As per this SO thread, I'm using the following code: mail = email.message_f

Get body text of an email using python imap and email package

I want to retrieve body (only text) of emails using python imap and email package. As per this SO thread, I'm using the following code: mail = email.message_f